Re: curtis vs urwierdsaysi

Me? While it wouldn't be ideal, I wouldn't exactly be mad o.O Its just a few pixels...

While I'd hate to do it, I know a few people that would love to get a nice ninja on your fleet. And considering the speed of DS, I'd have plenty of warning about it. So...Try, I suppose.

Re: curtis vs urwierdsaysi

Nope, I had it timed for 3 seconds, but got caught up in the chat and didn't notice it was that time already. Stupidity on my part, really. You're lucky I didn't have extra fleet, though. Because I could have caught you on the recall when you decided to taunt me with the res transport to my planet as the dodge. :)

Good dodge though, epic fail on my part.

Re: curtis vs urwierdsaysi

Good luck to both of you, this thread has made my day, it was fun reading it.....this is why I love ZE forums *But can you guys take it more lightly, please do not hate each other that much fGs!! its just a game* ;) ;) *I mean no disrespect to both of you*
Once again Good luck and have fun ;)
**“Well, I think if you say you're going to do something and don't do it, that's trustworthiness”
“I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace”** - General Sparrow