Re: Dacia VS AZG

What they are gonna disband that was the terms you gave them when your war started otherwise your letting Admins dictate your wars for you. It's not close they have never fought a war on there own they have always had allies to lean on, and when an alliance didn't do what they asked they tried to put fear into them. What was it Defiant said oh yes "What do you think ~V~ will do to you once they are done with us, if you don't help us." I don't really care you can let them keep going leaning on others when times get hard and being threatened when you don't do what they want if your there friends, but you know what f*ck that we aren't there B*tchs.

Re: Dacia VS AZG

On behalf of The Fraternity, I wish to make it known we are dropping the NAP with DACIA. This NAP was built on trust, but considering the recent events we do not believe the trust is there.

The Fraternity is a training alliance, while we may be large in terms of number of members we are not as developed as other Alliances. We cannot stand idly by and watch these traitorous acts, in their own words the NAP with us will only stay as long as it benefits them. Who knows how long it will be before they break the NAP and declare war on us as well?

We spit on the NAP, as DACIA cannot be trusted.

Many have asked why we did not join the fray immediately. We may be a wing of AZGUARD, but we are independent. A NAP or Alliance with AZG does not mean the same for The Fraternity.

I may be relatively unknown to most of you here in the forums, but I believe on HONOR. DACIA has lost all honor by starting this war, any respect we had for them is lost. I am casting no threats, but I am making a promise. We will not stand down until this war is over. Only through honorable actions will that respect be regained...

To all Dacians, your alliance leaders have started something they may not have the stomach to finish. We are now committed to ensuring a quick end, but we are prepared to fight as long as it takes.

To all AZGUARD, our alliance stands at your side against this one enemy, we may not have been there for you in the past... but that changes now.

To everyone watching this war, know that The Fraternity has changed a great deal in recent months. As a training alliance, this is now the ultimate test...
If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I'd type a little faster.

Re: Dacia VS AZG


Re: Dacia VS AZG

I built the NAP with you eOs made sure none of my members broke it to the best of my abilities it is the only NAP I have ever brokered. When you personally broke the NAP because of a bug I never threatened you harassed you or talked down to you or tried to strong arm you. As soon as the NAP was brokered I did nothing to break it. We were once a wing of AZG, but will not be strong armed, threatened in anyway, talked down to, or harassed. A fellow alliance in my eyes and the eyes of my members that does do that is no ally, but an Imperialism that things they can do whatever they want. We never knew why ~V~ went to war with AZG, but after going to war with them felt it was better to crush them for they were the greater evil.

Re: Dacia VS AZG

That PM showed AZG trying to strong arm T_F how dare you remove it. When another alliance is trying to threaten a weaker one in to doing what they want, and thats ok? And they speak of are betrayal.

Sent to me by T_F.

Text Removed - Istalris
Last edited by plainstrider on Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Dacia VS AZG

They are not strongarming us into joining the war.

We are coming to their aid for the first time ever.

As to the NAP we brokered, there has never been a problem save for a few mistakes. But AZG as the greater evil... not in my books.
This war is unjust and dishonorable... against what we believe in.
If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I'd type a little faster.

Re: Dacia VS AZG

How dare i remove it? Bad move friend.

I have issued a 1 week ban from the forums to Plainstrider for his constant disregard for the forum rules, mod baiting, removing moderations from a post and questioning the authority of a moderator to do their job. Any further offense by him will result in his ban being made permanent.

Dacia, you will have to find a new "speaker" for you until such time as Plainstrider can follow a simple set of rules, or find a permanent new speaker as the case may be.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Rofl, AZG strong arming us into a war. I like that, you should do stand-up.

Despite The Fraternity being the "Brother Alliance" of AZG, we make our own decisions. Thats why we didn't jump in with the ~V~ vs AZG...

We aren't mindless tools. We are perfectly able to think for ourselves.

Re: Dacia VS AZG

plainstrider wrote:We never knew why ~V~ went to war with AZG, but after going to war with them felt it was better to crush them for they were the greater evil.
You went to war with who :?: And I presume you are implying ~V~ is the greater evil?! Grrr :twisted:

Dacian, you should sack your spokesman he's useless! :lol:

This thread is too funny. I think he is planning to go to war with the Mods too.

Re: Dacia VS AZG

i am the leader of the newly founded alliance wap i have honoured my agreement to this war for the nap with azguard. if wanted i will keep fighting


those without honour are worth nothing at all and im sure that we will teach them this valuable lesson maybe not today or tommorow but we will win and we will conquer.

i for one can say my loyalties lie with azguard and i will be pounded into dust many times before this war is over but i will never surrender i will always march on carrying the standard of my alliance and i will bring honour to my name.