scag wrote: EDIT* In regards to your intentions here is a recap of the war so far.
9. Invite the community to join A$$ to bash MDK and then "jump ship". Check
1. they did not ask me to was my decision
2. i Pmed YOU scag about me possibly leaving *** to create a training said "Nice glad to see an old alliance come back"... nothing about how it would be scumbag-ish(if thats a word) for me to hit your players and leave...and ive talked with with Mike about how he can improve his gameplay he didnt have any problems with me hitting him he congratulated me and told me exactly hnow it happened, Maybe you hunter and fool should follow his example and show some sportmanship..
3.selective memorary you gained some nice TD off me as well i was just evening out my losses for the war before i left, would have been scumbagish and cowardly to join a war get hit a leave without doing any damage for the alliance i joined no?