Re: Dacia VS AZG

Miss*, you're not on a list, and I didn't-....nevermind. My head hurts. What do you think you're gaining by continuing to fight?
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Dacia VS AZG

No harm done, it's fine. ;)
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Dacia VS AZG

You're welcome. Forgive to be forgiven, it's written in stone. :D
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Dacia VS AZG

nice that, thanks! But I know another words : if someone take you an eye you will take him 2 !
that was a joke! :)

Re: Dacia VS AZG

Yeah, that one's pretty popular also :D . Let's get back on topic; shall we?
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Dacia VS AZG

I think I just made Dacian1 very angry. I Don't understand how. Not sure how to take it because he told me not to reply ^^.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Dacia VS AZG

:) Well, dont wasting your time with's not worth it. We have different values, we cant have a common understanding...
Last edited by Dacian1 on Wed Jul 01, 2009 7:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.