Re: Azguard Declares war on Phoenix Legends

Yes ur last few hits were ninja but u forget how u get first billion.

U wanted war, u got it. Now let continue to enjoy in this. I came back from VM just for this.
Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments...

Re: Azguard Declares war on Phoenix Legends

just looked through that first billion... between 1 mil (in 4mil TD hits) to 6mil debris on average, sometimes more...
only ones where no debris there was over 11 mil duet being pulled in...
just wanted to point out a (big) difference in profit gain and hits for points and hits for profit...
glad you came out of vmode however :)

Re: Azguard Declares war on Phoenix Legends

Then tell me how this war should be fight.

U started with attack( few ships crushed) and then suddenly stop. U wanted to lure us(our fleet) so that we should attack u. We did and we are not afraid to try.

But come on, after so good start why u stop. And u suppose to o be attacker because u start war.

We are not afraid to fight or lose fleet.
Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments...

Re: Azguard v Phoenix Legends CR ONLY

Lol, nice try but he was when attacks were done hours ago....first chance I have had to post ......proof will be made available as I still have the original combat reports showing times etc........:)