Re: I.B. vs BR13

id like to merc for ~IB~
what makes a man a man,is not how he starts stuff....but how he finishs it

Re: I.B. vs BR13

I'm going to approve lordru to be a merc for our alliance
They may not like me, but they've gotta respect me!

Re: I.B. vs BR13

Gozar2 wrote:
xxxx wrote:All Planets have been changed per request of Zorg. Gozar you just mad you couldnt get me banned again, if you cant win you cry like a baby. You can attack me all you want, as I will attack you all the time. I will keep on you 24/7 within rules till we can come to a truce of you never probing me again if you cant play with me without just trying to find ways to get me baned

Let me see you do this to everyone who probes you...? So you can't play fare you result to dirty underhanded tricks. Like you have stated above.. You then compound your actions with insults.. Then you wounder why you have brought this upon your alliance.. No truce for players who think sending 150 probes a day 15 attacks of 27hrs of 1 large cargo and 1 recycler.. Just so no one probes you what pathetic game play..and now all of ZE can see what you are , you have stated it yourself.. You bring shame on any alliance you are in.

No more words Let the war begin and may be you will see this type of game play will not be tolerated.

Your funny, have fun with your one sided war lulz And it still stands, even after the 30 days is up etc, Im still on you, this does not change anything or is gonna change anything. It very simple really, dont cry like a baby. Of course when you have nothing better but ZE in life bashing on people, your gonna eventually run into a player that has nothing to lose but to use tactics that are fully legal within game rules to piss you off as retaliation. Yes I do not like you probing me at all, as last encounter resulted in the 150 probe rule, why? Cuz you cry and try to get players banned that comes up with anything that defeats you and that shows the kind of player you are. Your just a baby


Re: I.B. vs BR13

lordru wrote:id like to merc for ~IB~
I have np with lordru merc for I.B. as long as you understand you fall in to the same rules as us.. post cr's in the post provided and add totals to the TD.. however any hit against you is added to our TD.. for this period or till the end of the war all of I.B. will give you a temp Nap. :D

Good hunting

P.s. Wildlive I see from chat you mouth off against me without any proof.. Yes I sent a message to admin relating to XXXX planet names..according to him they requested he changed them.. As to this point I have not had a reply from admin.. If you think I only hit n00bs and am bothered about attacks then I challenge each and every one in BR13 to attack any of my planets/moons..but with a real fleet not the pathetic 1 large cargo and 1 recycler that XXXX sends on a 27hr flight.. or are all players in BR13 like you all mouth.? :think:

Re: I.B. vs BR13

Gozar2 wrote:
lordru wrote:id like to merc for ~IB~
I have np with lordru merc for I.B. as long as you understand you fall in to the same rules as us.. post cr's in the post provided and add totals to the TD.. however any hit against you is added to our TD.. for this period or till the end of the war all of I.B. will give you a temp Nap. :D

Good hunting

P.s. Wildlive I see from chat you mouth off against me without any proof.. Yes I sent a message to admin relating to XXXX planet names..according to him they requested he changed them.. As to this point I have not had a reply from admin.. If you think I only hit n00bs and am bothered about attacks then I challenge each and every one in BR13 to attack any of my planets/moons..but with a real fleet not the pathetic 1 large cargo and 1 recycler that XXXX sends on a 27hr flight.. or are all players in BR13 like you all mouth.? :think:

ROFLMAO still crying I see. Hmmm I dare someone to send all they got at a player that has nothing else but ZE buhahhahahaha what you expect? ANd there is much more to your whining to admins than just planet names. Its common sense, stove is hot, dont touch it. This player will make you cry, well leave it alone then buhahahahaha

Re: I.B. vs BR13

Side note: mayhaps ACS Attack shall play a role?
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.

Re: I.B. vs BR13

P.s. Wildlive I see from chat you mouth off against me without any proof.. Yes I sent a message to admin relating to XXXX planet names..according to him they requested he changed them.. As to this point I have not had a reply from admin.. If you think I only hit n00bs and am bothered about attacks then I challenge each and every one in BR13 to attack any of my planets/moons..but with a real fleet not the pathetic 1 large cargo and 1 recycler that XXXX sends on a 27hr flight.. or are all players in BR13 like you all mouth.?

considering the complaints i have had from noobs that you have been recently attacking
i was justified in what i said
it was also due to the fact that ru440 was bad mouthing our alliance in chat to which the following events transpired
the distruction of one of my moons
2 attacks from ru440 that realy did nothing to hurt me
and i lost what i once considered 2 good friends because of a fools lies and flaming

to which i still say u a are a noob basher
as far as im concerned this is between yourself and 4X
and quite frankly i dont give a toss about the whole affair

Re: I.B. vs BR13

I see Kick is in hiding (Good team player i see).

I have to say I.B have not even got out of 1st gear yet, but 2nd is gonna be ferocious.