by contruga2
I think threat of bashing if we surrender in under a month counts as a hold,
especially on the bussiest month of the year.
Redeclare mid January if you still wish the war then,
my reasons are the same as the PM i sent, i have many things coming up.. my 18th, holidays, christmas, revision, new years, exams... i may be in Vmode for a month, may be only a week but will only be mining/small raiding for the rest of the month duration.
The rest of the alliance are in the same position as myself, although you have a much larger fleet i think the majority would give it a try, however with such a busy month coming up for many you would be fighting one or two members.
Im not sure if i did mention it in the AZG thread or VS or if i left it out but remember was going to say somewhere about last war this Year, that was said for the above reasons of any more wars declared now onward are to close to a busy season, hope you understand these reasons for what they are and not excuses as im sure some people will try and say.
Sorry for this, but HC ''surrender'',
although we could just get this thread locked until mid january if thats a preferable option?