Re: Arcane Armada Vs The Borg

a must say against BORG was good war
but DrDOOM you should teach yours members about Fleetsave at least
and not to build solar satelites on moons
and also if you rebuild fleet not leave it on planets behind huge defense
you could fight well against us . you have 14 members and only you fight DRDOOM
after some time you quit posting new hits.
but a wish you all luck in rebuilding lost ships and defense
and hope next time to be more challenge to us.
8-) 8-)

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Re: Arcane Armada Vs The Borg

Let's look at numbers, shall we?

Position Alliance Members Points Per Member
5 The Arcane Armada 52 24.207.143 465.521
16 The BORG 15 3.164.173 210.944

Even throwing aside the fact that TB isn't a very active alliance, this is a complete slaughter. No offense, but to me it just looks like Arcane Armada is desperate for a win, even willing to go after some alliance that has about 3 active members compared to 52.

Edit:/ And now you got your easy win. I applaud JaD for trying to help out the little guy.
Average Person ~ Gale Points: 28

Re: Arcane Armada Vs The Borg

Gogetass4 wrote: war will end when 1 of the 2 sides reach 1 billion TD
TD has been reached, Arcane Armada win


Chat Administrator ~ 7 Gale Points