Re: Alpha Prime Borg Declares War wtih ShoQ * Jaycee

Bring it on !!

oh wait you already did:

A fleet of the planet xxx [x:xxx:xx] to the moon of the planet [x:xxx:xx]
The fleets deathstar concentrated their graviton shocks on the moon. Tremors rocked the surface of the moon. But something goes wrong. The deathstars graviton guns shake, There is a fatal backwash. Alas! The fleets deathstar explodes into millions of pieces! The explosion destroyed the entire fleet.
The probablity of the destruction of the moon is : 7 %
The probability of the destruction of the fleets deathstar is : 47 %
Report created in 0.000138998031616 seconds

Re: Alpha Prime Borg Declares War wtih ShoQ * Jaycee

"Wars between two individuals (PvP wars) are strictly forbidden and will be stopped if they are posted."

Not to be a Negative Nancy, but unfortunately you don't have an actual war here. A squabble or a fight perhaps, but with bashing rules still in place.

Re: Alpha Prime Borg Declares War wtih ShoQ * Jaycee

Well i guess this was just a last post of Alpha prime on the forums, since he is inactive now. (or atleast he wants us to think that) since his planets are called inactive player ^^. So there is no real war, and if there was, its already over, since he already lost everything