What do you think the rules should be changed to regarding mercs?

Poll ended at Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:17 pm You may select 1 option

Attach the merc to the war and bind them to the war until an outcome is decided.
Total votes: 14 (44%)
Only allow mercs to be hired when a war is declared by or on an individual. Then lock the point limit of the merc to 2x that of the individual declaring/delcared upon.
Total votes: 5 (16%)
Abolish mercs altogether.
Total votes: 6 (19%)
Why are we trying to change the rules? I like them the way they are.
Total votes: 7 (22%)
Total votes: 32

Re: Poll Regarding Mercs

Arariel wrote:The second option is worded awkwardedly - perhaps there's supposed to be a "/" between "declaring" and "delcared upon"? That would make a lot more sense.

Also, I don't think the first two are mutually exclusive...

Yes it was a bit of word tango there sorry. The important part there is simply the 2x limit if the war is declared by or on an individual player(not Alliance vs Alliance).

So, Jimmy who has been playing ZE for two days can't go to war with AoD and "hire" someone with like 10 million points to start hitting AoD players.

And if the alliance Diapers wants to war with the individual player MommaSan who has 1 million points, they cannot "hire" someone with over 2 million points.

The spirit of the times may alter, will alter. We must crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed crporations, which dare already to bid defiance to the laws of our country.

Re: Poll Regarding Mercs

Weresloth wrote:If you'd like, we could have another poll about incorporating the second option into the first.

That would be very nice. Lets see how we go with this one and then action that one.

Just like to also take the time to thank the Moderators and community for opening and participating in this subject!

The spirit of the times may alter, will alter. We must crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed crporations, which dare already to bid defiance to the laws of our country.