blah3 and mazza123 vs blabbermouth243

when blabbermouth gets out of (v) mode we will start a war
and this aint any war
this war is to decide what happens to BWA
if me(blah3)and mazza123 wins BWA stays
if blabbermouth wins BWA wont excist anymore
and yes i have talked to blabbermouth(and yes he is a blabbermouth)
and he agrees once hes out of v mode
the reason this is a 2-1 war is because we have 3 people only
and 2 people like BWA 1 doesnt
and BM has been kicked out of BWA just to tell u


1 WARNING FOR SPAM. This is not a valid war. This is just another useless and nonconforming post. You have been told by more than one Moderator to stop it. Once again... read the rules. If you don't understand something then I suggest you ask. ~WW~
been a bird may be fun but get used to getting shot by idiots

Re: blah3 and mazza123 vs blabbermouth243

You really need to read the rules, blah. I mean all of them. Every forum.

I understand that you are very young, but you have a responsibility as an individual to follow the rules when posting. M'kay?