Re: AZGD v Valhalla

FleetHound wrote:I read the rules 17 times, I tried to make a difference against a giant (only because the giant was out of hand), and the giant cheated blatantly. Concede the war and let's move on to the next one.
What blatantly cheat like you....think you should read a bit further back... what cheating in the war did I do prey...

And the only thing I will concede is you are a poor loser and an even worse player....send your e-mails you know the address...The bit that makes me laugh more than anything is it was not even you refused one of your own on more than one occasion....and you do this......purely to cause knew what you did was obviously a grey area within the rules other wise you would have declared at the beginning...grow a pair and declare war after all I am in V mode...

Then again all you will do is what Valhalla did sit back and hope for a ninja...think we can count what maybe 20 hits for them and about 50 plus from us.... and 17 of theirs was on one planet bashing down a defence to nothing....feel declare...

has that door hit you yet...?

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

you can demand nothing and for what a poxy 60kk hit against an almost 5 about sore losers.... looks why you joined to cause trouble and it's not even your alliance, you were the Leader of MOC 24hrs or so ago...and suddenly you join in a war... all you are doing is trying to detract an out right win.....over your underhanded attempt of bending a so called rule... Joining in a war a day before you know it is to end is so cowardices..... to be the same or if not worse than the low down cheap dirty tactic that Japanese did bombing Pearl harbour..

You are one of the never have been' had a good account...and you have done nothing with it...other than it has allowed you to be on the forums winging about something or another...all you do is complain about this or that regardless of the forum rules you continue to have a go at Moderators when you clearly know the procedure... if it's not me you are having a go at it's mightyoz...

Put up or shut up... if you want a war with AZGD then by al means declare one.. in fact I have a feeling you declined the last time you were asked... Anyone that tries to join a war in the last day or so is just a total joke... think you would be better off playing with your barbie than playing a war game...better run back and pm all your little buddies to jump on here crying..because you don't like the out come...You just did not see that hit on Neusbeer to make an out right least he took well...

Oh and encase you can't tell like most of the would be trouble makers on here this reply is as Gozar the player....

If you don't like what is going on..then apply to do the Job yourself...if not, you know where the door is and lets hope it don't hit you where the good lord split you...

God how pathetic...I am unsure if this is grown ups acting a children or children pretending to be grown ups..

" I demand.." or I am going to throw teddy / barbie out of my pram...[/quote]

You are all off about the times, he's been in Valhalla for a little longer than a day, but I do hope you see that changing a rule during wartime on war is nothing short of tyrannical. Also would you crashing your own fleet on loki be considered in a sense pushing because you did not act within the best interest of the account?[/quote]

What a load of is perfectly allowed to crash your own fleet into any given player or inactive...if a player then as long as the DF is returned to them... you are within game rules...ask freaker he used to crash his fleet into his brother whoisit every other week.....ZE said it was allowed as long as freaker got the DF...the points boost on the attack table apparently meant nothing... As I have stated in previous wars and on the forum to freely read a tactic first used against us by Peins old alliance...many years back... perfectly legal... also stated inactive accounts in a war a liability....Yet complaints over my hit on Loki but Fleethounds is perfectly fair.... LMAO...

Oh as for the benefit of my account...yes it was I streamlined my fleet and built another 40k LG... I am sure if you ask Neusbeer he will tell you I sent 2 waves of 500 LG and a further one of 300...totalling 1.3 million LG....

so go kiss those exhausts ...without burning your lips...[/quote]

I did not know that, but its still pretty silly; as for streamlining your fleet makes sense. I am unfamiliar with kiss those exhausts, is this an idiom or apothem from your area? either way it does not affect me or my account at all, I'm just happy to see the giant lose some of his size.

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

Ephemeral wrote:I did not know that, but its still pretty silly; as for streamlining your fleet makes sense. I am unfamiliar with kiss those exhausts, is this an idiom or apothem from your area? either way it does not affect me or my account at all, I'm just happy to see the giant lose some of his size.

Lose some of my ships...I lost 30K BC 2.1 billion value less than 1% of my fleet...replaced in under 5 mins...then a few days later streamlined and dumped 2.7 billion...and with out the 5 billion hit I just did on Neusbeer...I built 40k LG
so the giant got even bigger...I have not spent today's gains... and still climbed 1.5 million in fleet today...

so going by your last remark you are just being personal.... well sorry to disappoint but the giant has increased in size.

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

Just so we're clear on this. Did Gozar singlehandedly change a rule without playerbase discussion? Not trying to be an arse here but is that allowed?

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

Starting to think Gozar's lost his marbles, but I don't think he had them to begin with :think:
The two most powerful warriors are patience and time

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

Lalalalalala, I'm drunk and in direct refusal to read up on this, but *insert Gozar Flame here*

LIARS, CHEATS, MOD on and so forth. Change rules to suit and argument, or something.

Gozar wrote:
FleetHound wrote:I read the rules 17 times, I tried to make a difference against a giant (only because the giant was out of hand), and the giant cheated blatantly. Concede the war and let's move on to the next one.
What blatantly cheat like you....think you should read a bit further back... what cheating in the war did I do prey...

And the only thing I will concede is your are a poor loser and an even worse player....send your e-mails you know the address...The bit that makes me laugh more than anything is it was not even you refused one of your own on more than one occasion....and you do this......purely to cause knew what you did was obviously a grey area within the rules other wise you would have declared at the beginning...grow a pair and declare war after all I am in V mode...

Then again all you will do is what Valhalla did sit back and hope for a ninja...think we can count what maybe 20 hits for them and about 50 plus from us.... and 17 of theirs was on one planet bashing down a defence to nothing....feel declare...

has that door hit you yet...?
Please correct the red and grammar and punctuate the rest. So many ellipsis in such a tiny little post...Thanks and have a wonderful evening.
Last edited by Rjsturgill on Wed Mar 02, 2016 12:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
They may not like me, but they've gotta respect me!

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

First of all congratulation AZGD that you found the way to win even if im feeling that Gozar somehow has more info from the rest us in Zorg for the game but im not concetrate in this ,win is win .
Congratulations to Valhala and all the guys that try and fought with anything each one had and the a big Congratulation to the host of Valhala Thor that kept all the guys united , i beleive that Thor is the best host in this server .

I would like to apologise to my alliance for not be on since the start of the war but when i found out i came out to help as i could.
My personal opinion is that Valhala are the winners that fought against millions points and not hide and fought and because sprog because you will add some **** in this post ......just imagine AZGD without Gozar in this war .

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

So we, AZGD, win the war......feels almost like a flat victory.......never been so disappointed by so many individuals. Accusations of cheating, being called a liar and other insults. One hit alone won the war in the end so why all the fuss and flaming? Valhalla, for their part, did at least try (most alliances decline wars before they even start)....then they go and spoil it by accusing Mark of having some sort of "inside info" to crash Neusbeer.....this was easily explained , I have even done the same as Mark to crash a fleet a few mystery, no cheating....Feel free to email Zorg rather than sending me abuse or posting here falsely.....There's so much more I can add to all the posts previous to this one but tbh I really can't be bothered atm.....Normally I like a war of words but some of the comments here and in private messages just make me wonder why I bother to even play this game fairly (despite what some think).

Ironic when I think some of the accusers are the biggest scammers .....Keep buying them rubies, you'll be fine ;)

Btw RJ Sturgill.....not really clever to put someone down for their grammar .....did you not stop to think there may be a reason why?

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

There are conflicts in being a moderator and a being a player.
Rules being altered or post being modified is just one of them.

I do not know what the rights of a moderator are, but i would like to say by the evidence that has presented to me.
The last hit of Gozar against Neusbeer could be explained technically, however to crash a fleet with no visible evidence of there being any fleet and without any df disappearing within 1.5 hours could be explained more easy if one has the right to view game logs.

There is a a limit on feeling lucky, and popping moons.
I would like to ask an impartial moderator to review the last hit in order to verify that there is no faul play in anyway.
Because otherwise i fear no one in zorg can have another safe fleetsave.

Congratulation to AZGD on winning this war.