Re: AZGD v Valhalla

king440 wrote: and what makes you think that? because i hit vallhalla members? please think thoughts based on facts. everyone in x knows i buy rubies to build my fleet not raid i havent been a top 5 raider yet lmao
lol... and that just says it all, doesn't it?

What makes me think you hit noobs? The fact that I've seen you hit noobs on the scoreboard... Sure, some of the noobs you've hit have been in Valhalla... But they are still noobs! I've looked up the Valhalla members that you've hit... Loki has 67k points and has now gone inactive, and Masterchief has 109k points (and presumably had less when you crashed him and then popped his moon)... I don't care if these players are in Valhalla... they are new players who are in new player protection... In my humble opinion, the precise purpose of new player protection is to protect them from a fleet like yours... war or no. So great work hitting noobs in order to contribute to AZGD's "war effort"!!!

Also: Spanner and Rekindler? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sure looks like it was you who hit them. Those are both genuine noobs well under 200k who aren't even in Valhalla!! And yet AZGD complains about Greek crashing players like these... frankly, I cannot believe it. To AZGD: Either you think players with large fleets hitting players of this size is ok or you don't, but you MAKE UP YOUR MIND. You don't criticize Greek for crashing noobs when one of your own members is doing exactly the same thing, and, at the moment, it looks like to an even greater degree. When I talk about hypocrisy, THIS is what I mean.

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

Pulsar wrote:
king440 wrote: and what makes you think that? because i hit vallhalla members? please think thoughts based on facts. everyone in x knows i buy rubies to build my fleet not raid i havent been a top 5 raider yet lmao
lol... and that just says it all, doesn't it?

What makes me think you hit noobs? The fact that I've seen you hit noobs on the scoreboard... Sure, some of the noobs you've hit have been in Valhalla... But they are still noobs! I've looked up the Valhalla members that you've hit... Loki has 67k points and has now gone inactive, and Masterchief has 109k points (and presumably had less when you crashed him and then popped his moon)... I don't care if these players are in Valhalla... they are new players who are in new player protection... In my humble opinion, the precise purpose of new player protection is to protect them from a fleet like yours... war or no. So great work hitting noobs in order to contribute to AZGD's "war effort"!!!
i stated i hit a few, but you saying as many as greek the weak is just funny. hmmm since you say in your opinion so much let me state my my opinion if you run out of x and no longer play here you should only post in speed where you belong. but hey thats just my opinion. lol your so silly. o let me point out loki had a 90k fleet alone he was trying to super noob like me and greek but you knew that since you like talking about stuff you know nothing about so much

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

king440 wrote: i stated i hit a few, but you saying as many as greek the weak is just funny. hmmm since you say in your opinion so much let me state my my opinion if you run out of x and no longer play here you should only post in speed where you belong. but hey thats just my opinion. lol your so silly. o let me point out loki had a 90k fleet alone he was trying to super noob like me and greek but you knew that since you like talking about stuff you know nothing about so much
And what about those other noobs I mentioned? All I hear are excuses. If you want to keep hitting noobs, fine, but I don't want to hear anyone in AZGD complain about supernoobs ever again. Is a little consistency too much to ask for?

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

Pulsar wrote:
king440 wrote: i stated i hit a few, but you saying as many as greek the weak is just funny. hmmm since you say in your opinion so much let me state my my opinion if you run out of x and no longer play here you should only post in speed where you belong. but hey thats just my opinion. lol your so silly. o let me point out loki had a 90k fleet alone he was trying to super noob like me and greek but you knew that since you like talking about stuff you know nothing about so much
And what about those other noobs I mentioned? All I hear are excuses. If you want to keep hitting noobs, fine, but I don't want to hear anyone in AZGD complain about supernoobs ever again. Is a little consistency too much to ask for?
i dont count the noobs im at war with as the saying goes all is fair in love and war, as for the others you can ask sprog and spanner, a noob i hit, i sent a pm afterwarded asking him to fs and i felt bad but he can not leave it down cause if i dont take it greek would, i was told to go f... myself, he then left his fleet there in the same spot 2 days latter so i crashed him again...then 3 days latter he had a bigger fleet he left it down agian no fs.and he has a moon a size 9 moon..really what am i to do let it sit so greek can have it. no thx.and look at maruis he has 130k total points maybe 1k defense and has not gained a building point in 2 weeks but has a fleet of over 200k points but if i hit him im hitting a noob lol more and more ppl are playing super noob so when they clash its not always noob on noob crime, its supernoob on supernoob crime one was just bigger. and i get it, its something fairly new you older players have not seen, no one saw super noobs until maybe 8 months ago with greek so its new you still go by standards of the past. all games evolve, and until its corrected it will continue to do so. and honestly me and greek makes super noobs....when i started i had no idea what a super noob was i read about greek and said dang that is awesome i can hide from the elite and still kill anyone i want, nice. now new players will see him me maruis berine spanner and be like dang i want to do that too. and ill admit it is fun,,,very fun

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

king440 wrote: i dont count the noobs im at war with as the saying goes all is fair in love and war, as for the others you can ask sprog and spanner, a noob i hit, i sent a pm afterwarded asking him to fs and i felt bad but he can not leave it down cause if i dont take it greek would, i was told to go f... myself, he then left his fleet there in the same spot 2 days latter so i crashed him again...then 3 days latter he had a bigger fleet he left it down agian no fs.and he has a moon a size 9 moon..really what am i to do let it sit so greek can have it. no thx.and look at maruis he has 130k total points maybe 1k defense and has not gained a building point in 2 weeks but has a fleet of over 200k points but if i hit him im hitting a noob lol more and more ppl are playing super noob so when they clash its not always noob on noob crime, its supernoob on supernoob crime one was just bigger. and i get it, its something fairly new you older players have not seen, no one saw super noobs until maybe 8 months ago with greek so its new you still go by standards of the past. all games evolve, and until its corrected it will continue to do so. and honestly me and greek makes super noobs....when i started i had no idea what a super noob was i read about greek and said dang that is awesome i can hide from the elite and still kill anyone i want, nice. now new players will see him me maruis berine spanner and be like dang i want to do that too. and ill admit it is fun,,,very fun
Fine. But then AZGD needs to stop complaining about players like Greek, etc... You can't complain about actions while simultaneously engaging in them yourself or encouraging them among your own members. That is the very definition of hypocrisy.

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

Fine. But then AZGD needs to stop complaining about players like Greek, etc... You can't complain about actions while simultaneously engaging in them yourself or encouraging them among your own members. That is the very definition of hypocrisy.

I love it when players complain of hypocrisy. Then complain themselves and are hypocritical. lol!!

For what now seems like an age, the antics of Geek have been well publicised. All the time, he maintains what he is doing is not wrong, against the rules etc. Ad infinitum.

So, when another alliance engages in "similar" tactics, albeit in a time of war, then we get this, crawling out of the woodwork, spouting this drivel. For a great time, players have complained about Geek. This falls on deaf ears, he carries on regardless. Others employ these tactics and they are then wrong? Hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

What a joke that last post was.

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

mightyoz wrote:Fine. But then AZGD needs to stop complaining about players like Greek, etc... You can't complain about actions while simultaneously engaging in them yourself or encouraging them among your own members. That is the very definition of hypocrisy.

I love it when players complain of hypocrisy. Then complain themselves and are hypocritical. lol!!

For what now seems like an age, the antics of Geek have been well publicised. All the time, he maintains what he is doing is not wrong, against the rules etc. Ad infinitum.

So, when another alliance engages in "similar" tactics, albeit in a time of war, then we get this, crawling out of the woodwork, spouting this drivel. For a great time, players have complained about Geek. This falls on deaf ears, he carries on regardless. Others employ these tactics and they are then wrong? Hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

What a joke that last post was.

Well I am not a hypocrite, the only thing I am doing is calling out AZG for hypocrisy and also creating a toxic environment. I personally don't care about super noobs they usually can't swing on me for profits because my techs and the amount of fleet required cost a lot of deut. But what I do care about is people making this game pleasant and not name calling or being general dinks, I play this game to have fun and right now the community is becoming so damn toxic i might leave it alone and pursue other avenues of entertainment. Probably not but still

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

Super noobs are not something that has popped up the last years. Players have been dong that way before that. It's a part of the game or it would've been addressed by the devs a long time ago. Players shouldn't waste time complaining but they should wait for the perfect opportunity to crash the super noob when his fleet is down. And FYI: he will make that mistake one day. Everybody does. About them hitting noobs? It happened and it will keep on happening. Deal with it.

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

"About them hitting noobs? It happened and it will keep on happening. Deal with it."

That is exactly the point! The newbs, because this is who it affects, they do not, cannot deal with it, so they leave! lol.

Granted, AZGD are now doing the same, but in a war situation. The point you have made Sinister, the newbs, they cannot deal with it so they LEAVE!

Re: AZGD v Valhalla

Pulsar wrote:
king440 wrote: i dont count the noobs im at war with as the saying goes all is fair in love and war, as for the others you can ask sprog and spanner, a noob i hit, i sent a pm afterwarded asking him to fs and i felt bad but he can not leave it down cause if i dont take it greek would, i was told to go f... myself, he then left his fleet there in the same spot 2 days latter so i crashed him again...then 3 days latter he had a bigger fleet he left it down agian no fs.and he has a moon a size 9 moon..really what am i to do let it sit so greek can have it. no thx.and look at maruis he has 130k total points maybe 1k defense and has not gained a building point in 2 weeks but has a fleet of over 200k points but if i hit him im hitting a noob lol more and more ppl are playing super noob so when they clash its not always noob on noob crime, its supernoob on supernoob crime one was just bigger. and i get it, its something fairly new you older players have not seen, no one saw super noobs until maybe 8 months ago with greek so its new you still go by standards of the past. all games evolve, and until its corrected it will continue to do so. and honestly me and greek makes super noobs....when i started i had no idea what a super noob was i read about greek and said dang that is awesome i can hide from the elite and still kill anyone i want, nice. now new players will see him me maruis berine spanner and be like dang i want to do that too. and ill admit it is fun,,,very fun
Fine. But then AZGD needs to stop complaining about players like Greek, etc... You can't complain about actions while simultaneously engaging in them yourself or encouraging them among your own members. That is the very definition of hypocrisy.

To sum this up from my point...I personally do not agree with the abuse of a game rule.....any player that has a fleet over a certain size (this could be determined by player base) not a n00b... more over I do not believe any player after 6 months should remain in n00b is a contradiction of a tittle...Regardless of all these points...My point is simple it should not be allowed to continue....however it is at present by one of our alliance members adopted a similar game be frank he is compared to Greek fleet still a n00b... this aside...what is good for the goose is good for the till Zorg addresses this game is open to all... end of...I do not feel we are showing hypocrisy...I still total agree it's wrong... it's not my account.