Re: Razor vrs,. Xenon

As of right now I am no longer a member of the Xenon alliance. Zyphos banned me because he is choosing to allow the members of his alliance suffer for his hubris. He has done exactly what he was trying not to do at the begining of this war, and has become a warmonger. I wish you all good luck in this war, and hope that it will end soon.

- Regulator (TNB)

Re: Razor vrs,. Xenon

tehregulator wrote:As of right now I am no longer a member of the Xenon alliance. Zyphos banned me because he is choosing to allow the members of his alliance suffer for his hubris. He has done exactly what he was trying not to do at the begining of this war, and has become a warmonger. I wish you all good luck in this war, and hope that it will end soon.

- Regulator (TNB)
You insult me, annoy me, and after fully supporting this war because UV says HEY WE GIVE UP! Your turning to his side, when someone comes and spams me on aim telling me HOW TO RUN MY ALLIANCE no your out i dont care if your a friend of thanatos or not. Remember all your big talks about making a massive fleet to strike down the enemies of xenon? Wow was that a bunch of bullcrap...

No the war will continue because Dillweed recently did ALOT of damage to my main while my fleet was raiding.
Agian i dont give a EDIT about what you people say about me or my alliance being foolish or not, i tried to stop him at first he wanted to continue. He caused damage to us it then became official im going to kick their ***. So they started it im finishing it.

Leader of the Xenon Alliance
In Game Name: Zyphos

Re: Razor vrs,. Xenon

Hey now, just because both of you aren't agreeing and are unhappy about the war doesn't mean you can't be civil about it
Forum Administrator
Noblesse Oblige 77 MP

Re: Razor vrs,. Xenon

I agree with you entirely. He has been uncivil with me from the get go. I made a suggestion to him, and he didn't like it so now he is throwing a fit. At one time I did agree with him, and I did suport Xenon entirely, but as time progressed, his motives grew further and further from the well being of his alliance, and became motives to further only himself, which is something I do not agree with. I never insulted him, and I never told him how to run his alliance, I made a suggestion pertaining to the best course of action for the alliance and he didn't like it. he was too busy wanting to warmonger and stroke his injured pride to make an educated decision for his alliance. And as for UV, I did not take his side, I simply agreed with him that this war was stupid, and that it needed to end. Both sides have struck each other and done damage, as is common in WAR, but there is a time when the bloodshed needs to stop and Zyphos does not know when to stop. He over reacts and that is good for neither him nor his alliance. It is sad when if a member of his alliance disagrees with him they have to worry because he threatens to attack them. That is a poor show of leadership. Anyone here can see by simply looking at his posts that this is true. So I will say now that I support Razor and their efforts to end this conflict, however I also support the members of Xenon, excluding zyphos, because they have to suffer under the leadership of a tyrant. but every tyrant will eventually fall, and for him it may be sooner than he thinks.

Re: Razor vrs,. Xenon

PhoenixClaw wrote:
I thought mild profanity was allowed in alliance war topics...

tehregulator wrote:I agree with you entirely. He has been uncivil with me from the get go. I made a suggestion to him, and he didn't like it so now he is throwing a fit. At one time I did agree with him, and I did suport Xenon entirely, but as time progressed, his motives grew further and further from the well being of his alliance, and became motives to further only himself, which is something I do not agree with. I never insulted him, and I never told him how to run his alliance, I made a suggestion pertaining to the best course of action for the alliance and he didn't like it. he was too busy wanting to warmonger and stroke his injured pride to make an educated decision for his alliance. And as for UV, I did not take his side, I simply agreed with him that this war was stupid, and that it needed to end. Both sides have struck each other and done damage, as is common in WAR, but there is a time when the bloodshed needs to stop and Zyphos does not know when to stop. He over reacts and that is good for neither him nor his alliance. It is sad when if a member of his alliance disagrees with him they have to worry because he threatens to attack them. That is a poor show of leadership. Anyone here can see by simply looking at his posts that this is true. So I will say now that I support Razor and their efforts to end this conflict, however I also support the members of Xenon, excluding zyphos, because they have to suffer under the leadership of a tyrant. but every tyrant will eventually fall, and for him it may be sooner than he thinks.
And do you ever shut up? Me you AND JOSH all agreed on taking down Razor's leader UV ok? I told everyone in a circular i was preparing to hit him which i just did, here you are making paragraphs about this only benefitting me? im sorry say that agian? you know how much crap ive lost protecting knighty and papar? You know i spent 3 mill deut to send a acs defend fleet to josh? Dont hand me this crap its to benefit me if it was id sit here not helping no one in my alliance at all and just do what i want with my resources, instead i focus them in massive fleets and attacks on people who attack my alliance, your on aim telling me and i quote "You should listen to him" "You should end the war it would be beneficial to the alliance """"IF YOU DONT YOU HAVE BAD LEADERSHIP"""" I took those right off from my messengers logs, so yes u did insult me. I'm done if you want back in talk to josh as hes going to be co-leader of the alliance when he gets back on, he can deal with you.


Leader of the Xenon Alliance
In Game Name: Zyphos

Re: Razor vrs,. Xenon

tehregulator wrote:Congratulations on coming to a peace agreement. gl on the rebuild.
Rebuild? What? Lol?
Leader of the Xenon Alliance
In Game Name: Zyphos

Re: Razor vrs,. Xenon

A for allying my alliance with Xenon i`m sorry but that cannot be done, this war has put to much of a rift between our alliances
3, 2, 1.....Boom! Headshot
