Re: Razor vrs,. Xenon

You have got to be kidding. If anyone is gonna surrender it would be you guys because i highly doubt zyphos will surrender and seeing as he didnt accept you truce its lookin like this is gonna go on for a while. and who are to to say we have to quit the game. that is a very childish comment. its a game... one that you seem to take way too seriously. so maybe if you would grow up this war could come to an end, but till then its still on. gl.

Re: Razor vrs,. Xenon

no it is not childish they agreed already in pm's so they are the children because they are trying to make us look bad in the forum.

I feel much better that every body knows what the whole scoop is

Re: Razor vrs,. Xenon

I have a question: why would they quit the game? Or better yet, why would you force them to quit the game?
Forum Administrator
Noblesse Oblige 77 MP

Re: Razor vrs,. Xenon

I think this whole arguments rediculous.
Noone can force anyone else to quit any game they play,
and I think your all being stupid.
(xenon alliance guys especially. )
cause i'm with razor. :)

Re: Razor vrs,. Xenon

I'm simply trying to be a voice of reason here. its preposterous to think that someone would quit because they lost a war, and if it was like that eventually noone would be playing this game. I am in this war only because Thantos is, he's my friend and I'm gonna stick up for him. this whole thing could have been avoided. he offered to not attack you and you didn't accept. He was farming inactives and happened to target someone who started playing again. If anyone has blown this out of proportion it was razor by attacking most of the members of our alliance. yes its true that it started from an attack by our member, but razor retaliated with excessive force, which in turn caused zyphos to become involved to protect a weaker member of his alliance. Both groups are at fault here, and personally I think this has gone far enough. both alliances have other things to worry about, and both alliances are getting sick of this, and the forum arguements that go along with it. It is my preposition that we settle this dispute, and end this war. If razor is willing then I will speak to zyphos and try to get this over with. However if razor really wants to drag this on then so be it but it will not get either of us anywhere. This has become a war of attrition and will soon turn into a pyrrhic victory for one side or the other. So I will suggest a truce, if razor offers, then I will do my best to see that zyphos accepts. This is not a cop out, and I am anything but weak. so for those members of razor that would say that I'd gladly call your bluff, but thats not what Im here for. Think about the proposition, and at least consider it because it may be the last chance we have to end this before it gets too out of hand.

- Regulator (TNB)

Re: Razor vrs,. Xenon

I to am sick of this war, and for one agree with tehregulator in the decision to end this war. After all the cause was pretty pointless with Thanatos acting Razor mebmer Alaeric, who in turn wanted sufficient help to stop this frequent raider. I pretty much think that was the point at which this whole thing escalated.

3, 2, 1.....Boom! Headshot


Re: Razor vrs,. Xenon

I agree entirely and even at the begining thantos didnt want this war. He whole heartedly meant it when he said he wouldnt attack anymore. I believe it is time that we should begin peace negotiations, as we have come to consensus that this war is frivilous. Both I and thantos will make an agreement with all members of razor to stop combats until a truce agreement can be made. We will also speak with zyphos to push for an expeditious response to a truce agreement. Will razor accept this for now until a full truce can be made?

- Regulator (TNB)

Re: Razor vrs,. Xenon

Thank you. I will start negotiations with zyphos as soon as possible. I will PM him immediately, and see if I can catch him on aim or something like that. I'm glad we could come to this agreement and are taking the first steps towards ending this conflict.

- Regulator (TNB)