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Lucky lucky me.

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 7:57 am
by lordaragon
This morning I was prepare to write my goodbye(less time spend on) messages from Zorg but like topic sad lucky me.

I wanted to share little story since I saw that my fleet is alive after most big players spy me and they deserve to know. :pray:

I woke up and I thought that I just need to add one name to my story, the name that crush me and congratz him or her.

Here's the story.

In my younger days when I play --- same sh1t happen but then I was useing dial-up connection :))...Last night few minutes before fleet arrive I try to log in but then I got loading failed. First I thought on Zorg little bug so I figure one more try and everything will be OK. :o it wasn't :)....My internet provider server crushed... Since xx:15 server time has pass I figure I got 1h to fix this if I can...1h has passed...What to do now I ask to my self :think: ... :idea: I will use my mobile internet and spend few bucks to FS or go to VM...Again :o mobile internet also crushed on my area or my mobile sucked :)... From that time 3h have pass and I was pretty sure someone has spy me and already focus on me...
I decide to shot down Internet and go to sleep and simple admit that all hard work will be for nothing...I could go to my friend house to use internet but helll no...If it meant to be then be it :)...
I only wish that it would happen like it suppose to happen, someone chase me and beat me in game, not because of RL issues.

So thanks to Torgard, sprog and DrLot for not attacking and granting me few more days in this community. I was wounder where is Gozar but we talked last night and he know my plan for that night... I was suppose to be on all day.

I'm in VM until all this sever problem fix.

Re: Lucky lucky me.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 1:29 am
by Gogetass4
Wow lucky :P

Re: Lucky lucky me.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 9:07 am
by cardsharksam
nice m8 im glad fleet was spared i lost my fleet few weeks ago because of real life issues it ***** big time knowing theres nothing you can do to save it but at the end of the day fleets are just a load of pixels and real life is far more immmportant but all that effort of keeping it safe goes down the sink lol :D :D

Re: Lucky lucky me.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:49 pm
by Lycantro
Wow, you were lucky indeed!