HEY want to join F/\llen Angels.. were an active alliance who like to be organised have plans and play for fun and war! =]
We havea forum - http://fllenangel.s2.bizhat.com
wish to join we are now recruiting. search for alliance> F/\llen Angels and request to join...
Clan Tag F/\
P.S - Fallen Angels has disbanded and i have created and now taken control of Fallen Angels under the new name of F/\lleN AngelS =p so all those who wish to be under a new management Alliance pls join
Re: F/\lleN AngelS Recruiting
#2Hey what's the difference between the Fallen Angels (FA) and this one?
Is it a branch or something? Or is it a completely new alliance?
Is it a branch or something? Or is it a completely new alliance?
Seasons end.
Re: F/\lleN AngelS Recruiting
#3It's a different alliance neo, the leader of the original (Nemeros) quit the game so we decided to start up again. It's pointless you staying in there now, if you want to stay with us your welcome to join up In fact you should! We still use the same site so you will still have posting rights with us.
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...
Re: F/\lleN AngelS Recruiting
#7Hi there, was wondering if I could join F/\lleN AngelS aswell please?