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UG (United Gods) recruiting

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 7:07 am
by deadspace
the United Gods are recruiting on speed we trample the strong and take pity on the weak no point limit needed anyone can join just give your name points and convince us why you would make a great addition to the alliance

Recruting fo the United Gods

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 8:19 pm
by spacedog
Hello my name is spacedog:)I am second in command of the United Gods.We recruit players for the alliance Starship Troopers.We are on of their sister tribes.They will not except you if you dont have 2k or more point.We help you get at least 2k points.Once you get that much you can ether join the main alliance with me telling SonOfSatan to let you join,because you past are boot camp:)SonOfSatan also known as SOS is the main alliance leader.
Or you could also stay in the boot camp(the United Gods)as a ranking officer:)Any one can join.No matter how much point you have but we are realy only looking for player under 2k point.

Starship Troopers



Aplication are open!JOIN KNOW

spacedog(2nd in command of the United Gods)

Re: UG (United Gods) recruiting

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 8:21 pm
by Weresloth
Merged. One recruiting topic per alliance.

Re: UG (United Gods) recruiting

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 6:46 am
by qtipdbc1
What is the process to join?

Re: UG (United Gods) recruiting

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 4:50 am
by spacedog
Now about your question.How to join UG.the United Gods alliance is on will have to have a acount on speed.Then you go to the left side of the screen.You click alliance.And in the search box you write "the United Gods" that is how you get to the alliance.To join you click join alliance.I hope you join my alliance.


Re: UG (United Gods) recruiting

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 5:17 am
by qtipdbc1
Sorry, have since exceeded point limit.