Re: ~ThE ReSiStAnCe~

usually we do not accept Noobs Unless known to be great players from other games/servers. However, one peaked my interest with his creativity applying to the resistance. Enjoy

Cant Wait for the Vid Specifically for the resistance :o

Dont ask him to make a vid for you! Next Noob to Impress me, perhaps some strippers knocking at my door :lol: (Female) BTW

PS...All have a chance to Join Resitance. You just need to prove growth and interest. Our interest is Fleet, High lvl miners/high lvl miners turned turtles to attract attack for acs defense, or just simply force waste of resources on #1 part. We are a Hybrid Alliance and make any style of player effective for one focuse Goal

Planets spread out to all galaxies

Only accept 300 field planets

Work to join our ranks or Kiss a$$ to join the chosen ones, The real Skill and strategies is to be found here in our quest for #1, come be the rebels with us

We prefer Non to little use of ruby members, to ensure we gain skill, not those that buy their ranks :twisted:

Come Play with the Big Dogs on the biggest Battlefields this server has to offer :D
When faced with intelligent and devious strategies, do something entirely irrational and let your enemies think themselves to death

Re: ~ThE ReSiStAnCe~

Walshy wrote:You forgot one major point Mate.

This is also the best alliance and definatley has the best people in it :-)

Very True :lol: a Crowd that Hides scared from #1 in his ranks and hates him or a crowd that openly hates #1 and enjoys watching the egos and incompetence to get our biggest fleets:) :wall: Cant Buy Skill
When faced with intelligent and devious strategies, do something entirely irrational and let your enemies think themselves to death

Re: ~ThE ReSiStAnCe~

I'm a tiny noob in a sea of bigger noobs, how can I go about joining your worthy brotherhood of n00bs? Specifically, I'm looking for a group of guys that like to talk all day long, but hide under the covers when faced with a challenge. Can I join you fellas?

Re: ~ThE ReSiStAnCe~

harryballsac wrote:I'm a tiny noob in a sea of bigger noobs, how can I go about joining your worthy brotherhood of n00bs? Specifically, I'm looking for a group of guys that like to talk all day long, but hide under the covers when faced with a challenge. Can I join you fellas?
surprise to hear that from someone hide behind #1 back
No Turtle Allowed On This Area