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The Fraternity [ΑΦΩ] Recruitment

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:45 am
by black1
The Fraternity [ΑΦΩ]

The Fraternity is based on a small brotherhood of EQUALS who strive for the same goal....
We are centered around providing a small network of players whom can work together to advance and prevail throughout the universe.

[*]The alliance only accepts experienced fleeters and with previous experience in Zorg.


Players Expectations

+ As an alliance we expect our members to continually and concordantly gain points.
+ We expect members who are online to participate in our chatroom as we believe communication is KEY.
+ A fully committed team player.
+ Be prepared to lay waste to any opposing players.


Application Text

Please complete our application form...

1. Are you a Fleeter, Turtle, Hybrid? (Only accepting Fleeters)

2. Have you any previous experience in ZE, if so, what universe/s?

3. Please explain with a few sentences, what you can bring to the alliance?


If you have any questions at all please contact me ingame/forums...

Re: The Fraternity [ΑΦΩ] Recruitment

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:19 pm
by Weresloth
It's back :o

Re: The Fraternity [ΑΦΩ] Recruitment

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 2:37 am
by black1
Haha... yeeep Weresloth... appart from its not a Training alliance like how it was before! ^^ Good times! :P :D

Re: The Fraternity [ΑΦΩ] Recruitment

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 8:34 pm
by Lightning
NightFury requested a logo be made for [ΑΦΩ] not to long ago and to send it to him in Speed. But now he's branched off and made a wanna-be "Acedian". Would you still like the logo?

Re: The Fraternity [ΑΦΩ] Recruitment

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:59 am
by Weresloth
That'd be 'nightstalker' and the alliance doesn't exist; NightFury made a V3 clone.