Black Rebellion 1 Year Anniversary

Starting today Back Rebellion has its 1 year anniversary.
Congratulations every one, it was a hell of a ride :)
Nice people there who were always supporting each other and the great leadership that make us stick together.
Active forum that makes us being part of the team and letting our thoughts shared with others.
Our own chat room that makes us know each other better.
Old members that left and returned.
A noobie alliance that grown so fast and ranked in the top 10 in no time.
And had only made success and growth in 2010 what made spring and summer BR ranked in the top 5 and now even #2:)
Really guys, thank you for the great gaming, I wanted to quit ZE a long time ago but the moment I received the invitation to join BR I stayed around for 1 year :)
Many thanks to KICK and Leafy with their great leadership.
Many thanks to the other veteran players that stayed and being loyal to the alliance.
Many thanks to the new players that joined BR and blended in perfectly.
Lets make it another great year guys :D

Re: Black Rebellion 1 Year Anniversary

We are celebrating a year with the name for teh lulz. The game is not about much except for one thing, the people. A few hours after The Revenge of The Fallen was going down, Leafy asked me to help in a group "Black Rebellion". I came in and basically was running the stuff. First thing I did was asked DJ (who was in Revenge with us) if he was coming over, but Runes had scooped him fast. Since we have started I've done a crap-tonne of the administration of BR. We were a group that everyone called a farm. A group of noobs with no clue. All along we were bringing new people, removing the slackers. We knew we had no credibility. We had to grow our own players. I originally posted a few hits to try getting awareness for us. We had a few good ones coming up, Jewl, Loko, Caputi for example. We started removing people down and brought in respected enemies like Nobody, and Raptor. Soon we had a pretty decent bunch. After all having been in other alliances where there were strict rules and such, we didn't want any of that crap. Anything goes, have fun. On that note I once came into our chat to see that someone had displayed that footage of a bald man sticking his head up a girl's..nvm, you get the point... We removed order. We removed all that. Chaos and anarchy are the best.

We've had friends, RL friends, enemies and more pass through. For the ones who came here, it is our home. When VVV started recruiting more people, we lost Loko, who was a big guy for us at the time... yet still he dropped by our forums, gave advice, tips, warning and more.

We removed all NAPs and looked for more dangerous fun-loving players. We brought in some very hated players throughout ZE, but a lot of them just use it as a front like Ree. As a result, we've had people gunning at us for a while. Grata was all over us at 9th overall. Message we said was, don't be worth it and be ready to acs. We didn't whine and complain, but rather learned.

A large portion of our players came in the shocking week where VVV disbanded. I was PMing with Loko at the time and asked him if he wanted back. Later we saw that Jess had applied as well. Two days before, Torgy had been talking to me about our policies or lack there of and wanted in. After having some of us go after this player we thought was a"noob" we saw Thorr, he came in too. Now we've gone from a turtle group to a primarily fleeter and miner group. Chasing fleets aimlessly and pointlessly though means very little. The whole concept is a bunch of pointless pixels on a screen. The players you work with though, they are real.

Over our time, a lot of people had to go, and we miss em all. Lloyd was one of my favourite players, hilarious guy who I had been planning on giving my duties to when leaving in January (Yup, I was planning on quitting then lol). Unfortunately, he moved and broke his femur and left. Lee, Chad. Miss you guys too. Zack, you were a pain in the ***, but always fun. Another one that will be recognized is Scott (CuddlesTheBear) an RL friend of mine that was teaching fleetsaving to a lot of the guys back in the day. Caputi also had to go off for his military service and we simply never heard back from him after his 6 weeks :( . Reed came by and was a great guy too. Compare to others, how many of the main BR guys ya see floating into other alliances? None.

On a personal level, the BR guys are why I play. I was going to quit in January, but things were quieting and couldn't see that happen to the group. Stuck around a bit more and a bit more. Finally had planned to quit simultaneously with another friend as we were each getting busy in RL. He managed to stay off the account, I couldn't. Then I officially quit in May. Despite having quit, I stopped by our chat and kept talking with everyone. I just couldn't help it. Finally Christie and Jedi (who had been doing a lot of the managing and now is like our secretary) talked me out for just two days as they put it. They knew I would get hooked again. One of the guys fed me co-ords on Gigaboy and made sure I would get the thrill of the kill and work w rec help on em. I just couldn't stay away. I never can...

After everything, personally and together, we are a bonded group. We are not an alliance, but rather a gang. A gang of friends who mainly play not for anything, but each other. And after having watched over these guys grow over the year, that looking towards it as a father would, this baby is now able to walk on her own.

Grats to everyone in Black Rebellion and now its parteh time! All you idiots have fun!
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: Black Rebellion 1 Year Anniversary

Now thats an awesome résumé, nice to learn about ur up bringing over time.

Good work for all the BR folks still my second best choice for alliance, after mine ofc.

Hope this keeps going regardless of what kick has achieved lets hope the legacy will continue even after the giants leave and we get to see bigger giants emerge through their ashes.

Keep it up.

Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Black Rebellion 1 Year Anniversary

All I can say is that this Aniversary Celebration is awesome. Definately lifts the spirits of every player in BR... I am glad to wear the [BR 13] tag.

Now it is time to join the Party Bash... So let's all go crash some ships. :dance:
'Wake early if you want another man's life or land. No lamb for the lazy wolf.
No battle's won in bed.'

The Havermal (Viking Book of Wisdom)

Re: Black Rebellion 1 Year Anniversary

Br13, wat can i say? this has to be the best alliance i have been in so far in zorg, i love it, people are nice , awsome fun, huge crashes, :P

im proud, honored, and glad i wear that BR 13 tag,

congrats BR13

"I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict what they will do. "