DROW Recurtiing is Now OPEN.. aply now
Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 5:53 am
DROW ALLINACE TAKING NEW MEMBERS WITH 1000 POINTS OR MORE. WILL TY TO UPDATE. DROW has grow fast and must impose new rules for membership applications, as time gos on we for see tuffer requierments to join. All new applacations are screened by DROW ELDERS for approvle. 100 % yes vote requierd to be aproved. 30 day probation as cadet regardless of points for all new members. rank given per per set point lv, and Elder vote. Please allow use 24 to 48 hours to prosses your request. even thou we have someone online most the time, we Run a well managed unit that is very demanding and time consuming. Thank you for your intrest in DROW. Enjoy the game.
shadowmaster (DROW Host.)
SliverRose (DROW vice Host)
Bigfoot (Security and Diplomatic addvisor)
shadowmaster (DROW Host.)
SliverRose (DROW vice Host)
Bigfoot (Security and Diplomatic addvisor)