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The Crusaders

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:24 am
by krazy88
Hello, I am krazy88, the leader of the alliance The Crusaders(CRUSADE). This is still a learning experience for me as I have just joined myself. I am looking foward to having an alliance. I hope that all the members enjoy the experience too. The alliance is open to NAPS at any time. I am accepting anyone to the alliance.

The rankings will be divided in to the Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force.

Contacts and leaders:

Alliance General: krazy88

Army General:

Navy General:

Marines General: EDIT- Marines General- Tzeentech

Air Force General: EDIT- Air Force Genearl- stergs

These spots are open to the first players that join. Here are the rules:
( any member can suggest anything at any time. I am looking for a logo and a forum for the alliance currently)

1- Do not sware
2- Be nice
3- Play by Zorg Empire Rules
4- Be active, inactivity for seven days will result in a kick
5- Do not keep secrets from your alliance, we need to trust our alliance

So, have fun and remember to join the alliance

Re: The Crusaders

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 5:56 am
Good luck krazy. Ask new players in near you to try establishing a start. If you need any advice or help, feel free to ask.

Re: The Crusaders

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 5:58 am
by krazy88