United federation of allies recruiting

United federation of allies is recruiting members. this alliance isn't based on fleet but on growing. we'll accept any one who want's but when you're inactive you'll be kicked
This alliance will try to help you grow and support each other.
It's based on the roman republic so every decission will be made by the senators you can become a senator when you have proven yourself
A fleet isn't neccesary but it is advised to have some cargo ships just for the reason that we will trade much.
We don't want wars with anyone but if decided by the senators a substational fleet has to be build.
when you enter the alliance you can chose what you wan't to do
-you can become a Legionair (these will function as an army they wil be called upon in times of war)
-you can become an auxillia (these will defend our members by attacking everyone who attacks us)
when you have proven yourself in those ranks you can be promoted to Preatorian who are the elite these function as captains of the legionairs and auxillia's and they have some saying in the decissions made,when proven yourself worthy in that rank you can either chose to become a senator or you can chose to stay a praetorian.
all players will be accepted


so if you want to join or have any questions pm me
Last edited by atlervetok on Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:15 am, edited 6 times in total.