Do you think the Combat Report section should be split to accomodate all sizes of hits?

Total votes: 20 (61%)
Total votes: 6 (18%)
I don't mind either way.
Total votes: 7 (21%)
Total votes: 33

Forum Suggestion: Combat reports catagorized by TD

In the Combat reports section, its my experience that hits in there are only the big ones, naybe have section for example, combat reports TD 0 -250 k, then next catagory would br TD- 250 K - 500 k, and such like this can be for two main reasons:

1) to give a chance for those who who arent in the top 50/100 to get their hits on the forums even if there not as good as the big ones

2) This can be a type ranking as well. i.e. User makks has 1 hit in genre 3 of CRs and 2 in first genre of CRs

there a part of me than thinks this is complete garbage, so i want feedback and critisism fo rthis idea

Re: Forum Suggestion: Combat reports catagorized by TD

that would take extra people in Admin just to do that. The Union of Honor is more or less for "bragging rights". The only exception to randomness is the "Top Ten" list. There are hundreds of hits a day. Some players may make between 50-100 just themselves. It would be impossible to sort. Unless you are just saying we post our own in seperate sections based on size.

Re: Forum Suggestion: Combat reports catagorized by TD

adressor wrote:Unless you are just saying we post our own in seperate sections based on size.
All we need is the different sections made, but i think people could post their own CR in the areas themselves. I think it is a good idea because it would make the little people feel like they're getting somewhere when they make a hit in the next section up.
Greatness isn't bestowed; it's chased. And only the best catch it.

Re: Forum Suggestion: Combat reports catagorized by TD

I don't like your idea of separating the forum, it would be troublesome don't you think?.

I do agree everyone should post their hits if they want to, so how about making a personal thread per person, and update it with the different hits. That way you keep the spam to a minimum and it could show the progress of the player to a certain degree. All i'd ask is to save the "farms" to yourself and post real hits only.

I don't think there's any rules about what the TD should be to post any hits, feel free to post yours anytime :).

Re: Forum Suggestion: Combat reports catagorized by TD

Exactly what Milito said, there are no rules about the TD of posting, anyone can post, not just the big hits. Which kind of makes this pointless.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Forum Suggestion: Combat reports catagorized by TD

Not so much I think ista, if for example I post the hit I made this morning with a TD of 7m in the forum as it stands, with a SoC hit of 8bil +, Zookon with 4b+ and so on, it looks foolish, and no doubt would recieve several posts saying 'who cares dude?'
If however we seperated the forum into CRs of 0-5m, 5-25m, 25-100m, and so on, something like that, then people making hits can post if they reach into that forum. It would also help alliances recruit members with a better idea of the new members skill based on the average Tier of his TDs.
I think it would be quite good.

Re: Forum Suggestion: Combat reports catagorized by TD

RogueSpearofTRA wrote:Not so much I think ista, if for example I post the hit I made this morning with a TD of 7m in the forum as it stands, with a SoC hit of 8bil +, Zookon with 4b+ and so on, it looks foolish, and no doubt would recieve several posts saying 'who cares dude?'
If however we seperated the forum into CRs of 0-5m, 5-25m, 25-100m, and so on, something like that, then people making hits can post if they reach into that forum. It would also help alliances recruit members with a better idea of the new members skill based on the average Tier of his TDs.
I think it would be quite good.
Good theory, but i'm not sure Zorg would put it into practice. :?

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Forum Suggestion: Combat reports catagorized by TD

I still don't see much difference though. I wouldn't mind looking at small hits if they have a cool story behind it like "My first lanx hit" or "My first 20% moon chance" or anything the attacker comes up with. Not everyone started playing on february.