Re: Congratulations SquirrelonCrack!

Yeah he had a massive point jump of about 300k i think a couple of days ago. All that profit from Malphage helped. I also have a pretty strong idea that he hit Res too. Res had a big fleet, that hit would have been high in the top ten.

Wonder why he didn't post it...

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Congratulations SquirrelonCrack!

To answer everyones question, yes I hit Res. He went inactive for a week (I think it was actually Slash who pointed it out to me). Res has been a good friend since Ive known him, he had planned to quit a few months ago before we went to war with AZG but at the time, our numbers had fallen quite significantly and being the true team player he was, he decided to stay to help us out. His activity had been affected with RL issues and when Slash pointed it out I figured something was up.

I kicked him and then I left it another day to give him a chance to log in but he didnt. Rather than someone else getting the hit, I stood up and yes, I hit him. Its not something Im proud of and I know Ill cop it off people but I dont care. I have chosen not to post it for several reasons. 1, People will think it was a set up and that it breaches the milking/pushing rule (I can give my word that this isnt the case, I dont cheat and I dont like those who do). 2, As he was a friend, I didnt want to see his name up on the board on the wrong side of a #1 hit. 3, I feel shameful to hit an ex-ally, especially one whom I respect and have a good friendship with.

Res logged in 2/3 days later, something came up in real life and he had no choice but to drop everything and go. He asked me to post the hit as he had planned to quit once the AZG war was over anyway. So there you go, believe as you will but in my defense, all I got to say is that if this was a setup I wouldnt have hit his fleet in one pop as I took serious damage hitting him, staggering the hits would have been more profitable but again thats not how I am.

And yes, the hit is a #1.

PS: Thanks for all the well wishes but reaching number one would never have been possible if Mintaka didnt quit. That guy is a machine!

Re: Congratulations SquirrelonCrack!

Congrats Squirrel!

As a relatively accomplished fleeter myself there are things that Squirrel does that I am not sure anyone else is able to pull off. I can't speak for Mintaka, as I don't know all the circumstances of his hits, but as far as I know Squirrel is the only one in this game that successfully pulls off the "Invisible Lanx" hit.

An "Invisible Lanx" hit is when a target recalls and you have to estimate the time it will be that their fleet returns. Getting the timing right with lanx hits is tough enough. Getting the timing right on "Invisible Lanx" hits...near impossible. They are the Zorg equivalent of a
"Triple Lindy".

Click on the link only if you are intelligent enough not to try this move at home. :D

"You are in a position to demand nothing. I however, am in a position to grant nothing."

Khan Noonian Singh