Requiem War Hawks is recuruiting

We're a new alliance, just formed a few hours ago, and we are currently accepting applications. Just tell us a little bit about yourself, a brief history of your gaming experience, and why you think you would make a good addition to our alliance. You don't have to be the greatest player, but at least know what you're doing and have a basic understanding of the game's mechanics. You must also be relatively active, and not a cheater.

If you have any questions, just send me or rishard a PM.

Thank you fellow Zorgians.

Re: Requiem War Hawks is recuruiting

come join Requiem War Hawks.Our leader and officers are very experienced and know how to play this game we are hoping to become one of the most powerfull alliences in game but to do that we need more please come join us.
your potenial allie
Commander of RWH joshanddrew
(and no im not the leader)

seriously i love this allience come join us we currently have 12 member

Re: Requiem War Hawks is recuruiting

umm..its been two days since the alliance was created and we have 21 members now
~The End, you cant escape it, there is always a End, but you can try running anyways I'll be there soon~

Re: Requiem War Hawks is recuruiting

Yeah that is quite impressive. Now many of them are people who just started the game though?

Offtopic: Weresloth your sig is bugging me because I can't read all of the text. >.< All I know is your saying something about the Japanese language. :?
Gale Points: 6

Re: Requiem War Hawks is recuruiting

I blame kanji no that I know what the kanji is I actually know what it is -.- and for the record すこし日本語がはなはなせます。 とてもすこしかんじがよめます。

Sorry for running off topic >.<
Gale Points: 6

Re: Requiem War Hawks is recuruiting

してください、これは英語のみのフォーラムは、英語を話すようです。 Please this is an english only forum so speak english. And shall we no longer hijack RWH's recruiting.

Good going on the recruiting RWH... best of luck in your growth!
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!