Serenity, we want you!

Serenity is recruiting more members to our ranks. We are an active and friendly alliance looking for eager players.

What we want from you: We are looking for fairly active players with a positive attitude who will maintain the friendly atmosphere within the alliance. At the current time we have a small requirement of 50 points that a player must have if they wish to apply. We believe this is a small amount that should be fairly easy to reach even for players new to the game. We decided on this to assure we are not recruiting inactives, players who will start the game, join up with us then spend long periods of time inactive or generally just not play again.

What you can expect from us: As a member of Serenity you will be a part of a friendly community of players, as yet probably the most socially active. You will have the general support and protection of our members wherever it is possible to do so. We are usually a laid back alliance with few rules, so to speak, that will affect your game play. We want you to have fun while playing as a part of our alliance but ask that you take our goals into account when you are.

Guidelines and other things you should know: As for rules, we don’t like to overly pressure people. The only thing worth noting is our player activeness rule. As i have stated a player in our alliance is expected to be averagely active at least. If you have spent 5 days inactive you will receive a mail from the leader telling you that your inactivity has been noted and you are in danger of being removed from the alliance. All you need to do if you log on is reply to this mail with a simple "I am now online" or something similar to revoke your warning. If you are inactive for another 5 days you will receive another mail of the same intentions. To prevent abuse of this your inactivity will be noted and tracked if it continues. After 7 days of inactivity you will be removed from the alliance, you may be invited back under certain circumstances. If you know you are going to be inactive for a long period of time, please let the leader know and it will be noted and you will be excused from this rule.
We have recently been through a stage of turbulence within the alliance related to naming issues and an alliance switchover. We have started to settle down and decide our future, at the current time we are a pretty solid 4th place in the rankings and are quite happy with where we are. We have decided to put a cap on the amount of members admitted to our alliance at 50 to prevent becoming disorganised and turn into those notorious "mass recruiters". I will let you know via this thread when we are full. This player limit will be increased as the game progresses or the situation demands it.

How to apply: You can either apply through this thread or by submitting you application directly to us in game. To do this, click on the Alliance button in the Empire Menu. If you are not in an alliance it will prompt you to either create one or search for one. Search for "Serenity" and proceed to submit your application. We hope to see you soon! ;)

-Serenity Recruitment Officer-
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Serenity, we want you!

Omai gawd,
Reading that increased my I.Q


Yes the alliance is kewl, and can be funny if you get into itz

Also Istaris, WE NEED MORE POWAR, Cap'n
Dafluffeh, Leader of the fluffeh peoples, and leader of the United defence of Leporids.
When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend
Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
When in doubt, empty the magazine ^^

Re: Serenity, we want you!

Lol. ;) Fluffs is Serenities resident crazy guy, no alliance is complete without one. :lol:

I am sorry to report that applications are temporarily suspended, we are having a problem at the moment which should be fixed soon. I will let you know via this thread as soon as we are ready for more applicants.

-Serenity Recruitment Officer-
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Serenity, we want you!

I am happy to inform you that applications are now open once again. Please read the first post in the thread to check you meet all requirements.

-Serenity Recruitment Officer-
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Serenity, we want you!

sorry bout that guys didnt know if you would mind and am sorry for not asking permission. to tell the truth i am having a hard time getting members well any members so i thought you guys were succesful and i read your post and thought that it would work and so yeah like you said stole what you wrote in the vain hope someone might actually type something down only when they did it wasnt what i was hoping for. if you understand my meaning

Re: Serenity, we want you!

As long as the post you made is edited and re-written i accept your apology. Thank you for standing up and admitting your error, i wish you good luck with your future recruiting.

-Serenity Recruitment Officer-
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...