replicators recruiting

Well anyone who wants to join just write your application. Replicators is recruiting accepting anyone who will but ask for now there are several high ranks still open the first to join will gain these ranks and further help for example anyone who can setup a forum for the clan will get one of the highest ranks available.

Re: replicators recruiting

What we want from you: We want anyone who will join and be fairly active players for the alliance.
What you can expect from us: As a member of replicators you will have the general support and protection wherever it is possible to do so.
How to apply: You can apply by submitting your application directly to us in game. To do this, click on the Alliance button in the Empire Menu. If you are not in an alliance it will prompt you to either create one or search for one. Search for "replicators" and proceed to submit your application.
Last edited by takagawa on Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.