to clear something up

Someone must not know me....they sent me a in game message saying I had to ask to use the allaince name now..I'm a understanding Guy..I know that all don't read far back into the forums to read the actually really cool stuff that has happens in zorg. So let me say this to clear that are you stupied.I was a origanal azguard member I was in azguard when it was ranked the number one allaince the first year..I was azguard when rawk was in power haven't thought of them in a bit lol...I remember kilox..defiant..all the ask to use azguard name? Lol funny..hmm.sad but true...there a player that was good. Anyway no I don't breed to ask.thx

Re: to clear something up

Actually it mattered alot and if you do simple math being active and inactive. Having 200 members of course you will have alot of inactives.and I remember you also you were and still are a great player but before u say it. Ment. Nothing read forums from the time everyone wonted. Number 1 spot.and asguard was formed before v and rawk so technically could be be the oldest still alive allaince.and v hated asguard and every allaince has inactive and v mode counts as inactive cause the player is not playing. Those days where real allainces..I miss those days.and it doesn't. Matter how ur in first place it just matters that you are. And if you say no then u must not watch sports cause only champions and teams in first are remembered.
For example unless u played back then you wont remember rawk. Or v. Lmao but even new people know about asguard