so i moved our little discussion from the union , and insult you dex? yes indeed :twisted: . but when? yes after you had done all that you had ! . as for this matter all i wanted was to show my anticipation and excitement over you'r losses of late and the reason people might have liked to know why . ok? Trolling. 1 week ban according to No Tolerance policy.-DRwich means in mind for that will be the noobs/new/weak most definitly amongst it again . more new comers in vmode . this uni is and has been fun , hence why i am angry as to the thought of more people being bashed into blue and adding to an evermore blue universe . i'll be expecting some def bashes out of anger for exposeing you'r acts of late aswell . but you'll never bash chaos into vmode :twisted: :twisted: !! all that tyranny !! :evil: :evil:


a new farm for fleets ? what fleets? and hit yous , with what ? enough fire power just to brush some dust of your fleets? i see that youv'e taken well from dex , pick on the weak out of anger and for the hell and fun of it? ... i know im only little in points and if someone is stateing that i should grow up before posting , all i explained about was like i said above , new/weak players being bashed into vmode , wich i had in a previous post you will see asked why two thirds of the universe was in v mode and someone stated first along something else that one guy went aroun attacking all the noobs , must have been so much they went vmode . clearly again an example of whats happening now . a question to bear in mind please , do we seek to kill of this server by bashing and bashing the new comers until vmode ? though it's not against rules but may be for the greater good of an alrmost blue universe . more players , more livelyness , more profit , more challenge etc


maybe if you spent less time trolling in the forums, and more time looking at the players guide, you'd learn how to f/s and be unproffitable. otherwise your just pssing off people that know how to play and you'll get np where.
As for the alliance full of new comers, its obviously a bad alliance. 1 experienced player and 30 noobs can still be a good alliance so long as the experienced help and the noobs learn.
As for some of the things you've said, you're obviously noob but i wouldnt say new.

Talk to your experienced alliance members (if there are none find a better alliance) and look at the player guide sections of ''staying unprofitable''/ ''how to fleetsave'' etc.


Yeah mate, this is a tough game, I learnt to bow my head and respect those stronger than me. But you are being arrogant, tinkthing that ur some big shot cause u have a bunch of newbies in your alliance. Your being a bully and are way out of your league. Zro hit me badly recently, and so was dex but we both showed great fairness and came out of the sit so no need to be a hater.


but i have learnt how to fleet save , contruga , it's real life that has been my only problem . i guess it's tough starting out , i know more now . it was just a sad sight to see my friends , who are new comers bashed into vmode . . if you dont think im being nice , well it's just usual isn't it? i've seen many players , well respected ones even , throwing truck loads of dirt around . just reminding people it's not the first discussion gone awol . as for now i would like to hear the end of this matter for it's taking up all our time , and yes contruga i have no time anymore but other then to "plot my revenge" and my fallen comrades lol . i see dex dosen't really talk much on the forrum posts that involve him , he keeps his reserve for the battlefield , i've figured that , so much respect to him for that . now lets end this in the forrum , it's wasteing more of our precious time wich , well i could be doing "other" things about it instead of crying lol and for instance "ploting my fallens revenge " !!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: