Re: Requiem War Hawks is recuruiting

alright just an update we are still loking for more active members noobs or not were in the top 50 in less than a wekk we have 48 members and are still going strong our leader are well organized and helpfull unlike our copycat alliance elusive warhawks we wont go illeagal and promis resources which unounratly for them are now in my possesion.anyways we would love to have you ive been a founding member of this alliance i am the commander and forign diplomatic realtions leader and this is the best alliance ive ever been in so come and join us we are currently revamping our ranking system as well .

hope to see your applications

Re: Requiem War Hawks is recuruiting

joshanddrew wrote:unlike our copycat alliance elusive warhawks we wont go illeagal and promis resources which unounratly for them are now in my possesion

Might I suggest to keep your alliance from looking bad you refrain from flaming other alliances in your recruiting topic.... and quit going into their recruiting topics and flaming.
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Requiem War Hawks is recuruiting

joshanddrew wrote:they do after all say themselves there cheating in their alliance page they say theyll gie you resources

Giving resources is not against the rules as long as it is a higher ranking player giving to a lower ranking one and no more than 1 hours resource production from your planet within a 24 hour period. That means if the giver is higher ranked and has 21 planets he can ship 1hours production from each planet to the lower ranked player. Before you calling someone a cheater I would make sure they actually are, and as you can not see what is sent to whom I would have to say you could very well be making false accusations. Just because you or your alliance may have had an issue with the player that is now trying to start an alliance of their own is no reason for you to flame them either on your recruiting topic, which makes you look like an idiot yourself.... or on theirs, which makes you look like you are being vindictive.
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Requiem War Hawks is recuruiting

hes providing 20k metal and crystal and his co-leader 5ok metal that sounds like cheating to me unless they make that an hour*gasp* if they made that an hour maybe theyed have a decent fleet now im not sure if ive upset you in anyway beacause for every post i make you come back with sarcaism and accusations that i dont know what im talking about i would never say something that i didnt know wasnt true thats just who i am and uh if you look up he was warned for milking already last time i checked he already has a history of asking and promising to give resources thats usally what happens after his posts so yes i know hes cheating

Re: Requiem War Hawks is recuruiting

Witchywoman wrote:
joshanddrew wrote:they do after all say themselves there cheating in their alliance page they say theyll gie you resources

, which makes you look like an idiot yourself.... or on theirs, which makes you look like you are being vindictive.

now im flaming your flaming about me flaming and what does that make you look like well just read the quote