Alliance List. Updated: March 22, 2012

I am trying to keep a log of all the famous alliances in Speed, the ones that are alive and the ones that had fallen. Correct me if my information were inaccurate.

Note: If the alliance falls under 1 million points, or only has 1 active member, it is considered inactive. The alliance must be around for longer than 3 months to be listed.

The Strong (aka Vaginia) - Disbanded
Longest ruling alliance in speed, most players within are still active, but the alliances has dissolved
Yes, they had the biggest balls in the universe, and stomped SPEED into a graveyard for new comers. Eventually (rumor says) it was decided that there was too much boy 2 boy lovin' going on in the group, and they had to cut down the numbers.
At Peak: 50 million points

Digital Revolution (evolution) - Inactive
Once DR was a top 3 prominent alliance, after its leader Cypher left, the alliance quickly fell apart. It's barely alive, and maybe they should just break it apart and put this alliance in the pages of history.
At peak: 15 million points

Tora's Raiders, (aka Hellenia) - Active
One of the oldest alliances, they sure are resilient. Members of this alliance have been through more bashing than anyone else, yet the alliance still lives! They have out lived many powerful groups. Persistence does win!
At peak: 12 million points

SPECIES 8472 - Disbanded
At its peak there were over 20 members. Eventually SPEED became too much for them. The last war they had was with a bully named schnitter, guess Aliens didn't win.
At peak: 6 million points

The Guard - Disbanded
An old, powerful alliance that faded away. Rumor has that there are many sleeping giants just waiting to be awakened...from perma blue.

~The Resistance~ - Inactive
This was one of the biggest alliances ever created, (also the quietest until they started screaming taking over SPEED) This alliance had over 60 million points at its highest and over 30 members. It has weakened significantly since then. Their reputation was tainted by the Nero scandal. With most of its players gone, the only thing they can resist now is going into V mode.
At peak: 60 million points

Senatus Populusque Romanus - Active
With a crazy name like that, you know they pack some fire powers for war.
This relatively new alliance has higher ranking players from many different alliances. You should expect to see many cross breeds born within this group.
At peak: 40 million points

The Chosen Ones - Active
The big boys.
At peak: 72 million points

Battlestar Galactica - Active
An old alliance that has survived many battles. There are only a few of them left now. A rare specie.
At peak: 5 million points

MurderDeathKill - Active
An newer alliance that had some good battles reports. Lots of ambition, and a lot of attitude. They want to take over this universe for sure!
At peak: 16 million points

North American Timber Wolfs - Active
Many small players come to form a pack, but they don't really bite. Lately there are many of those wolves logging on for hours and hours at a time. Getting ambitious?
Edit: got tips that they are sharpening their teeth. They are quickly becoming the new power in SPEED.
At peak: 11 million points

NEMESIS - Inactive
A small but older alliance that is falling in power.

Apocalyptic Ninjas - Inactive
This alliance was also before my time, rumor was that it once had many skillful fleeters. Now it's small and failing.
At peak: ???

Imperial Armada - Inactive
Being around for a while...but who are they?

4 Amigos - Active
They are growing, slowly but steadily. Those cunning Spaniards frequently hide in V mode, strike only when the top dogs are not watching.
At peak: 2 million points

From the Ashes - Inactive
They are all in perma blue now, one time they were very active hunters with some good CRs. Hope they will make a come back one day.
At peak: ???
Update :
- Resistance is now Inactive. R.I.P.
- NEMESIS is now Inactive.
- Hellenia is now Tora's Raiders
Last edited by big-fat-cow on Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:11 am, edited 11 times in total.

Re: Alliance List

SPECIES 8472 - Disbanded
At its peak there were over 20 members. Eventually SPEED became too much for them. The last war they had was with a bully named schnitter, guess Aliens didn't win.
At peak: 6 million points

Re: Alliance List

come on we all know chosen ones are just account n ruby i couldnt wait to buy this account that was created last august...full 4 months was prime stuff.gonna have to thank fred for gettin wsa to 8 and getting 50 lc for me.

oh and i am know cause i would think the only reason to put an acs depot on a moon would be because i would want the safest fs possible with zero time acs defend..i.e. moon to moon mission.i mean why else would you waate a spot on a moon for a cant acs attack from a moon..and acs defending planet defends both moon and planet..i mean everyone knows cant acs defend a moon destroy mission.So the only reason i would blow a moon with a depot on it was just to be a stupid @sshole.

it is clear to me know i have forgotten more about this game then most will ever know..and that sums up Chosen. :roll:

Re: Alliance List

You forgot one of the biggest alliances ever in Speed. The Guard...not to be confused with The Guardians who now are SPQR. When I started The Guard were #2 to The Strong. Had some of the heavier player like Xerxes.
I applied to join them but never heard back. Gale/Lightning was their leader at the time. Too bad for them...I asked Crushbone if they had a place for me and the rest is history. I found a great home in The Strong and after Rob disbanded the alliance because we had a spy we became Vergina for a while then The Chosen with only 5 members...Brothers in arms. Along the way Apollo/Perses/MegaMedes joined us, gumppy came out of retirement and BFC was asked to join. Then Rj retired. Now we are 6.

Great list BTW Cow.

Re: Alliance List

Just to correct a point I personally have never been bashed. in speed.
though i did not start hellenia I was ask to take it over when the founder
did not know what to do in was... It is still building, and as you say surviving.

and just a note we do not use spys, cheats, or any other dishonorable tactics.

Re: Alliance List

a little something to add about NATW. yes, we are new players and most are still developing....but you can ask around about that bite part! some have had to go to the doc for stiches...ANOTHER THING: im not sure all of us have had rabie shots , so beware!

Re: Alliance List

Aww Scag - you and your humor :P

I remember ~G~ quite well. Was a good group of players until it just faded away. Left their ranks when I was invited to Strong / Vag and enjoyed a nice stay there until it disbanded. Was a lot of fun back then - ahhh, the memories lol