Alliance Of Zorg (AOZ)

The Alliance Of Zorg

The Alliance Of Zorg is a alliance that would help new players learn how to play zorg to make them a strong player. It also gives experianced players the chance to share their knoweldge of the game.

Ranks are decided by me (Humanmachine) based on trust and your experiance in zorg not just on the amount of points a player has.


1. No swearing... if you have to swear write it in *s.
2. No attacking anyone in this alliance, anyone we have NAPs with, or anyone we are allies with.
3. Remember to fleetsave.
4. Inform a High rank player if you are going into v-mode
5. If you are 7-14 days inactive you will be kicked but may return if you come back.

Oh we will consider any NAPS now! :D

edited on 15/04/2010