Do you think the Combat Report section should be split to accomodate all sizes of hits?

Total votes: 20 (61%)
Total votes: 6 (18%)
I don't mind either way.
Total votes: 7 (21%)
Total votes: 33

Re: Forum Suggestion: Combat reports catagorized by TD

Sadbutrue wrote:nothing is stopping you from posting your hits... what was embarrassing was ista posting 100mill td hits when he had such a huge fleet ;) just ribbing on you ista
I hate you. :oops:
Squirrel wrote:What you could have is a "Basic UoH" for which, hits from 100M-1Bn are posted and an "Advanced UoH" where all the hits above 1Bn are posted.
In similar games they have the Basic 20%, which is any hit constituting a 20% moonchance, and the Advanced 20%, which is any hit above 100 million TD.

What i was thinking here, would be:

1-25 mill TD - For the beginners.
25-100 mill TD - Basic.
100 mill - 1 bill TD - Advanced.
1b+ TD - Expert? (no idea what to call this one)

This would mean splitting the Combat Reports sub-forum into four seperate ehh sub-sub-forums? o.O

But yeah, it would work, and it would be nice for the beginners who feel small amongst the big CR's. I'd be willing to do it but i don't have the power for forum creation unfortunatley. However, i will start a poll on this, if we have a large positive response i'll put it forward to Zorg and hopefully get him to do it. I'll be willing to move all the CR's into the relevant sections of course.

EDIT - POLL ADDED TO THIS TOPIC. Everyone please vote, even if you are not really interested in this suggestion. Thank you.

EDIT - Temporarily stickied for voting purposes.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Forum Suggestion: Combat reports catagorized by TD

Thanks ista :D
Its only when you say things like
Istalris wrote: I'll be willing to move all the CR's into the relevant sections of course.
That I actually realize how much you put into this place...

We all know my vote on this one, sorry to try and get you doing more work!