Dawn of a new era, The Twin Runes.

Myself and Paradox have had a think about our future in Zorg Empire. We
have decided to move on from our friends and begin anew. We want to give
back to the community what was given to us, knowledge. So we came to the
conclusion, we are starting an alliance, one that will serve as a fountain
of knowledge and aid for those willing to drink from it.

~Twin Runes~

We are dedicated to taking on the newer members of the game, giving them
the knowledge and help that they need to become the best. We will support
our members with both resources and tuition.

Like any other alliance though, we have a few requirements. You must remain
active, should you go into inactive status you will be removed. We appreciate
the fact that you may have situations that require you to be away from
the game, tell us about it and use vacation mode. We also ask that you
attain a minimum of 5.000 points before you apply, this is mainly to show
that you are actually playing, and you have a drive to get higher. Most
of all, you must be WILLING to learn. We are both experienced players full
of information to share, but we cannot do that if you are not willing to
take it on board and use it. That being said, we are an alliance aimed
mainly at the newer members of the game, but we wont turn away players
who are mid-experienced who wish to learn more, or contribute themselves
to our cause.

If you have any questions or require more information about us, do not
hesitate to get in touch with either myself or Paradox.

Do you want to learn? Do you want to be the best? Send us an app, our
knowledge is yours.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Dawn of a new era, The Twin Runes.

Its about time some higher ranked players took initiative to help those younger players that might just end up being farms. Though i am not forgeting Trox's new alliance that i believe may be doing it but this should be a great thing for the game as a whole. All i can say is kudos Ista and paradox. Hope it all goes good and that AZG and Twin Runes can have a friendly future.


Re: Dawn of a new era, The Twin Runes.

Good luck with your alliance!. Sounds like a really nice idea, hope you get some players to learn the basics and enjoy the game before they start getting farmed and have no clue what's going on. Both of you seem like cool people and i'm sure it's going to be a good alliance. Also Weresloth is a cool kid and i know he's in your alliance, great addition.

Re: Dawn of a new era, The Twin Runes.

Just a little update in response to the multitude of requests we have been given.

Twin Runes is not available for NAP's of any kind, we have decided to keep our options open and not limit ourselves, this is also to prevent confusion amongst our learners.

We have not come to a final decision regarding wars yet, but, due to them being a regular part of the game we will probably be taking part in them, they will also serve as a great training course on the hazards the game can contain.

Thank you all for your responses.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...