Need allience

i am in need of a allinence,
i have around 7,500 points, am on most days and needs a good allience that has a smart leader. any questions, just ask

Re: Need allience

If you're active and willing to learn from the best you can join Twin Runes, the entire purpose of that alliance is to take the younger players like you over 5K points and teach them the basics of the game. I'm willing to have you in Genesis also if you want a couple tips before joining Twin Runes.
We don't offer resources, protection nor anything of the like. We just offer advice and friendship.

Re: Need allience

You could join the Order of Zion, there is a good community of players willing to help out.
Whenever my fleet gulps down deuterium, it belches DF


Re: Need allience

I suggest you go into the alliance recruiting topic and look into the alliance that are recruiting... that is what the alliance recruiting topic is for.
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Need allience

flashwolf2121 wrote:i am in need of a allinence,
i have around 7,500 points, am on most days and needs a good allience that has a smart leader. any questions, just ask
Hey man, your welcome to join the United Galactic Nations. The alliance is up to 12 members and still growing. I'm always looking for active people and you definitely seem like an active enough person. If you're interested just send an application. I accept anyone who's willing to be active, help others and learn/grow together. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.


Supreme Minister, UGN

Re: Need allience

My alliance is sadly done recruiting for a while, but I would strongly recommend my NAP'd alliance, Requiem War Hawks. I can promise you that you'll be treated well as a member there. :D
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Need allience

lol i would say join the zodiac alliance freedom treaty but i guess thats what everyone would say for there alliance, however i do agree with gale that the requerim war hawks is a good alliance since we are allied to them. i also think you should look up on the general ranking of alliances.

Re: Need allience

personally, I think you should look at those alliances that are recruiting and contact them. Imo, this post is just spam and not necessary. Those that dont post they have openings are simply more selective and would invite you if they wanted you. But that is just my opinion.