Re: To All AZure wings members

joshanddrew wrote:yes usually it would apply for new members unless that new member is on our KOS list.
Um...last I checked, having a NON-AGRESSION PACT usually includes being NON-AGGRESSIVE. Do NOT tell me the acceptions of the NAP that I accepted. And yes, I private message FIRST would've been nice.
Witchywoman wrote: :lol: Your reasoning is ridiculous joshanddrew. It doesn't matter if the person is your worst enemy... if they are in an alliance that you have a NAP with.... (NAP meaning Non aggression or attack Pact) and you hit them then you are breaking that NAP. Just so you know.
Make sure to read this again, Josh.
joshanddrew wrote:ohhhhh my bad gale and pwnage you remember this guy right infantool how arogant he is.
This is exactly how wars are made. Never insult my members - new or not - they are all equally respected. I would not dare insult the members of RWH. Don't make me regret accepting this NAP. An Azure is an Azure - any attacks towards one and I'll back them up.

_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: To All AZure wings members

Thank-you for continuing the conversation in PM's. As far as I'm concerned, I don't think anything else should be discussed. Have we agreed that Infantool is no longer targetted by RWH (officially, so that they may close this topic)?
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________