But im taking a very long Vacation as i just am not interested in this game anymore. Its boring, the fun has gone, its dead and all the old school players dont really play it anymore so its lost sooo many characters.
I have been lazy last few weeks because i have no interest and now its time to get on with my work which has really overtaken everything i have done.
I found the team work and my alliance mates the most fun part and this is the only thing that kept me going, but thats gone now so i just see no point.
Despite my obvious dislike for RJ and the fact i know he bends every rule he can i still dont dislike the guy and in fact i dont dislike any of you. You are all great guys because you made this game so fun, My nemesis's, Spy, Im-a-farm, Zorton, Gale, Kron you made and make the game fun with your banter and come backs and i like that, its what makes the game fun, its why i loved annoying Slash so much and Istalris and SOC all the way back then, but do i dislike any of you NO. I dont hate anyone but im very truthful and if i have an opinion im not shy to say it which is what makes me, me and i cant change that.
Togard the fun playing with you is too good for words, If you want to know about how to play with fun and as a team this guy is your man, He is a great guy to play and with him not around its been boring and the same goes with Kuddz although his ESP's are never much help.
Gozar is also one of my closest friends IG and i share many great phone calls with him discussing the world and global domination and its been good playing alongside him.
PK also one of my closest friends although in time its drifted as he is now in another alliance and has all my nemesis's in tow in that alliance

Defiant also, who is my fellow big rugby fan although we are both not in the bloody final!!!
Contruga, Mrcleanx, DrLot, Aqua, redrod **** funny guys, make a CIRC a pleasure to come in and read in the mornings.
**** me soo many other names to try and remember but will edit and rename at some stage.
Sorry Sloth forgot to mention your name and as much as we have had our feuds, your a top lad and you have inspired me into some great new music.
Also a mention for Reject, my little angel always had me going and always love her random approach to life
i will pop in to chat occasionally so you will see me around but my playing time has come to and end.
Dene/ Fishpond