Re: The allaince azguard is now open for recruits

for your information it WAS on topic, it was related to the fact that your alliance was recruiting, and was actually just an alternate recruiting slogan that even suggested joining.

and next time you don't like a moderator's post, try PM'ing them and asking them to take it off rather than complaining

Also, you do not control the forums, if i choose to post here it is my right
20 GP
The Trouble Maker
As Swift as the Wind that carries the Sand comes your DEATH

Omega Class Thank You to Devola/Gale for this super amazing sig.

Re: The allaince azguard is now open for recruits

Having read some of your old posts/trolls ru440 I guess you're in the best position to spot bs (as you put it) lol. Of course you've never hijacked a post, in fact I'm doing it it right more bs lol. All it does it make more people read your forum post as it keeps updating so chillax and good luck with your new alliance (although it has a lot to live up to imo) :D