Gimme my rifle

This isnt the server i joined 7month ago.
The noobs i trained, those people who trained me up, my shield brothers and sisters, they are all gone... Some are vmod, and some left me for ever, some other even joined VN to not to be killed off...
What are we doing to save our dear standard?
What can we do?

Nothing is going to be fixed if we dont fix it ourselves...

I dont know what others want to do, but i'm not the one who give up! You can stay low and wait for your turn to be killed... But i say if you are going to loose your fleet, you better loose it in a war, than being just a profit to them.
You want to keep your dear bc's?
all those players who their name is on combat reports board wanted the same. They will come for you if you dont go for them...
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” -Rumi

Re: Gimme my rifle

Thanks silence, if you really want to help , just quit right now without feeding your fleet to jekyll. You have no idea how many of those blue player's telling me they are waiting for you to leave so they can come back playing...
or You can continue taking out fleets of 20-30 lc's i keep sitting at my planets and enjoy your petty victories if that satisfy you...
otherwise, stay back and let us see what we can do to this died server.
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” -Rumi

Re: Gimme my rifle

The game hasn't changed in the short amount of time you've been playing, you're just a slightly bigger target now. If you look at the forums then you'll see that someone is always trying to "save" the standard server. Not everyone can win in a competitive game. Losing your fleet doesn't mean the server is broken. Just don't take being attacked and losing personally(its only temporary), rebuild your fleet and try to have fun.

Re: Gimme my rifle

I havent lost my fleet oberon.and i dont mind if loos it. i'm sure a server wich have good amount of fleets being crashed is actually a alive server. thats what a fleet shall do, to kill or to be killed!
But fear of being crashed sent a lot of people to vmod and turned standard into a grave yard. Its not just my concern, almost every one in standard is worried about this situation. But they have diffrent strategies than me. Some think they have to keep their head down till things settel down, some want to watch for now and intervene at a later stage and others who want to fight arent united...
This whole thing is because our server isnt much competive any more... and only few people seems to be rulling it cause they HAVE A PLAN, And a fleet ofc. so Why the hell we are just watching!?!?
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” -Rumi

Re: Gimme my rifle

Oberon wrote:The game hasn't changed in the short amount of time you've been playing, you're just a slightly bigger target now. If you look at the forums then you'll see that someone is always trying to "save" the standard server. Not everyone can win in a competitive game. Losing your fleet doesn't mean the server is broken. Just don't take being attacked and losing personally(its only temporary), rebuild your fleet and try to have fun.

Amazing response! (you need to post more in these forums!)

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

Re: Gimme my rifle

Zorg wrote:
Oberon wrote:The game hasn't changed in the short amount of time you've been playing, you're just a slightly bigger target now. If you look at the forums then you'll see that someone is always trying to "save" the standard server. Not everyone can win in a competitive game. Losing your fleet doesn't mean the server is broken. Just don't take being attacked and losing personally(its only temporary), rebuild your fleet and try to have fun.

Amazing response! (you need to post more in these forums!)

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
If i was a mod, i would warn you for talking off the topic mr zorg!
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” -Rumi