Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

Recently there has been a lot of lunar guardian suicide missions. 1 Lunar taking out 3k or 4k satellites. I was not concerned at first, because i thought surely if you build more types of ships/defense, the success rate of the suicide would be low.

However after thorough simulation, 1 or low numbers of Lunar Guardian always have a very high chance of killing all your satellites, regardless of your defense make up. This is clearly not intended for the battle engine. Some people might compare this to RIP suicide, but it's not the same. RIP is costly and you can lift your fleet to avoid it, it's a valid tactic. But this is a very cheap way to punish top players for having high level mines, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. It also brings up the question:

if the battle engine is designed so that random stack is selected to be fired upon, how come the chances that LG killing sates are so high when you have 10 types of defense and 10 types of ships to be targeted on the planet?

anyways, I think LG against satellites RF should be reduced immediately. perhaps from 160 to 20 or 30? I am sure many players share my opinion, especially ruby-paying top players :D (the ones that don't agree yet can easily be convinced with 1 LG per planet). But aside from that, I think this is an imbalance to the game.

Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

Large Girthy Bovine is right about the numbers. I did the sims and you can easily run profitable raids against massed solar cells with single LG's.

To me the question is: Is that a bad thing?

If you depend that heavily on cells, I think you should be vulnerable. You are using a cheaper alternative to solar plants and why not have a price?

I also love that you can hurt someone bigger than you. In other games, all that matters is size. Zorg is well balanced and rapid fire is a critical part of that. It gives the game a sense of chance and an opportunity for daring.

For me, it's a thumbs down.
Outside the box? What box?

Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

I for one think this needs to be fixed. Why should someone be able to profit hugely with no risk at all?

It's done more or less as an annoyance because the "smaller" player got caught one way or another. How would the "Smaller" player feel if this was done back to them?
They may not like me, but they've gotta respect me!

Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

i am with flapper here,i love the fact everyone can continue to prove the battle engine is not random at all in which stack it fires upon.Furthermore this will be great to start doing to the people that pop their head above the protection mark and force them to either make fusion reactors and solar plants to get their grav tech.This will prevent any new player from ever getting Rips and lunars and after they quit or go inactive those planets will have negative duet supplies on their planets.Far to many inactives that have not been purged and to many resources out there to be raided atm.Right now the new guys are doing it to higher ranked reason the higher ranked can not start doing it to all the others.This will be great for building an active player base and keep the new accounts down.I mean imagine the new peoples surprise when the top dogs with their higher techs have to send 1 LG at someone with more than 70% lower techs and clean thier clocks of sats when they think that will win the battles.It will go down as a win for them but the profit margin will go to big guns.

So i say leave i be and call upon the top guns to fight fire with fire..time to weed out the new player base and thank those responsible for this wonderfull non exploit tactic that has evolved :dance:

Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

Yes i certainly agree with this, and have experienced it first hand recently. It is a minor inconvenience, not a huge profit thing. If this isn't fixed, all it will do is render the sats useless. Also, as gumps said, make it completely impossible for newer players to unlock rips and lg. Which will eventually, solve the problem if these noobs cant even unlock the lg to begin with. I have good mine production, so if need be i can completely phase my sats out in a couple days, but can the newer players? I think not.

Thumbs up on this, and hopefully Zorg will take a closer look at this.

Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

Although I do agree with Flapper in the fact that sats are a much riskier way of finding energy to build mines, and that no player should even rely on these sats as their main energy provider; I still need to give a +1 to this idea.

It is not only the little guys who are pulling off this trick on the big guys. I have heard word from smaller players on some servers that "so and so destroyed all my sats with one LG! I was so close to graviton D:" and things similar to that. One player even mentioned that the attacker didn't even pick up the debris, it was "just for kicks".

Believe me, it can be a big demoralizer to players just coming into this game, or just coming out of newbie protection to have some player come and wipe all their sats simply because they cannot stop the RF from ONE lunar guardian. Heck, I sure even some of the bigger guys who lose sats could get pretty downed about it as well.

We need less inactives, not more of them.

Again, +1 from me.

Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

i see some people say what if the big guys sent out 1 lg to take out little guys sats, I say what if a big guy sends 400 rips on a moon destroy mission against a little guy because he cant get the little guys fleet any other way. And what if the big guy goes and destroys all the little guys moons. What is the little guy to do. OH WAIT Thinman showed us little guys the way, never mind.

Re: Reduce Lunar Guardian RF

We all know too well at high level mines, the Solar Planet and Fusion don't provide enough energy, we all need sats.

now imagine this, if someone gets mad at you, send 1 LG to each of your planet every day, it will effectively cripple your mine production. Top players, or should i say, top miners spent a lot of resource to build these mines, only to be crushed by a strategy that is un-defendable. and i stress this word, because no strategy in ZE should be undefendable.

sprog, i believe you have good intentions when you speak for the smaller players, but if i come out of V mode in Xtreme, and totally cripple all your planets, then you will probably have a different opinion.