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Txt Alerts
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:53 am
by NovacVII
Im a user who plays ZE mostly from my cell phone. I would love for an easier way of knowing when something is done in my empire without having to go into the game and check. If your a cell phone player then you know how long this can take. This would work very similar to how Facebook does its Text Notifications. First in the options menu you would be able to enter your cell #. Then a comfirmtion text would be sent you your cell asking you to reply with OK to comfirm that you want to recieve alerts from Zorg Empire.
Now heres the good part for the Zorg Team. If they wanted to, this is completely up to them, they could add a .99 cent a month thing for the service. I would find this extremely useful. I will add more later when I have more details. So just tell me what you think and if u agree.
Re: Txt Alerts
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:30 am
by Deleted User
I like the idea of this. But this is based on Apps again and if you did a standard notification then you would be charged for each text you recieved which im sure you wouldnt want?
Its a nice idea though and has potential but this just leads back to a phone app.
Also i know it hasnt been mentioned but i would completley reject any idea of a notification on when your being attacked.
Re: Txt Alerts
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:39 pm
by SPY
TheLegendFishpond wrote:Also i know it hasnt been mentioned but i would completley reject any idea of a notification on when your being attacked.
- agreed. border watch is part of users responsibility as far the game play should hold on this point.
about the text messaging. the new email notification can take these under consideration. say if u want to be notified about buildings or research or (not sure if this is applicable that much but lets add them- fleet and defense production) u check on an option and the server sends u email notifications. just an alternative to costly sms alerts.
EDIT: use the sms expense on more productive expense such as buying rubies.
PS: not popularizing ruby uses but think that is a better option for expense game wise.
Re: Txt Alerts
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:01 pm
by decadence
I'm sure you can check your email through your cell phone.
I think there is also an option for yahoo to send you SMS notifications when you receive an email.
Only a few select countries can purchase rubies through SMS so I think SMS notifications directly from ZE is too far off.
IMHO... I don't think there is much use for notifications besides being a personal secretary. It kinda reminds me of a virtual pet game (the console acts like a beeper) and it alarms every time you need to feed it. You can check it if you want to pet it or just overfeed it. :p
Re: Txt Alerts
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:12 pm
by Istalris
What Neo said, if your phone has the capability to play ZE you can just get your email alerts straight to that instead of spending money on constant texts.
Re: Txt Alerts
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:30 pm
by NovacVII
TheLegendFishpond wrote:I like the idea of this. But this is based on Apps again and if you did a standard notification then you would be charged for each text you recieved which im sure you wouldnt want?<br /><br />Its a nice idea though and has potential but this just leads back to a phone app.<br /><br />Also i know it hasnt been mentioned but i would completley reject any idea of a notification on when your being attacked.
No this is not an app and it wouldnt cost as much as one to make. Facebook has an app as well as the mobile notification for people without a smart phone.
neoshagrath wrote:I'm sure you can check your email through your cell phone.I think there is also an option for yahoo to send you SMS notifications when you receive an email.Only a few select countries can purchase rubies through SMS so I think SMS notifications directly from ZE is too far off. IMHO... I don't think there is much use for notifications besides being a personal secretary. It kinda reminds me of a virtual pet game (the console acts like a beeper) and it alarms every time you need to feed it. You can check it if you want to pet it or just overfeed it. :p
I dont use yahoo, you cant hope for every ZE user to use that plus I turned off the email notification after too many coming in my inbox. This would be like you could send the word UPDATE and it would tell you how much res you have and if you are getting attacked. This will solve the problem of you guys saying you dont want to be automaticly notified of an attack.
I just would love this because it would be a faster way to check ZE. Btw email takes longer to load on a non smart phone.