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Self Destruct

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 4:51 am
by Ari
I wonder if a "self destruct" function shouldn't be added to the game so that fleets could be abolished in-flight.
Of course, this should probably be password protected just like destroying a planet is to ensure that it doesn't happen accidentally.
I know that there are numerous instances in which this might have been utilized by myself or others (for example wanting to go blue immediately after popping a moon :P), and I just thought I'd throw it out there.
We could allow for the lanxing issue to be a non-issue by having this only be allowed for flights involving a moon. But still, feel free to throw fits in the comments, y'all!

Re: Self Destruct

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:11 am
by Nautilus<>Zero
That'd be pretty awesome: P I agree however it would definitely annoy some of the larger players.
For example: a certain player with 35k rips pops another players moon and catches fleet on lanx, they then prepare to ninja it: however instead of getting it the fleets owner decides to blow it up instead of letting the attacking player get the fleet

Re: Self Destruct

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 9:57 am
by Weresloth
That would mean that there isn't a DF created, and if there's any res transported on the mission that disappear as well.

Re: Self Destruct

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:23 am
by athight
The biggest issue I can see is denying someone resources from a ninja.

the only was I can see this working is if that is an option on attack "suicide on victory".
(which might be a reasonable option for a 'fight to the death' of fleets rather than just 6 rounds)

I think you'd have better luck requesting a 'v-mode at first possible moment' option.
(if your rips are returning from a moon destroy they are very vulnerable to a reverse ninja, denying someone that is similar to denying someone a ninja)