a new speed up building and ship idea

This would need a very high nanite factory level as well as robot factory level maybe nanite of 5 and robot of 15 or so.
this decreases building time of ships, defenses, and buildinga by 1 minute per level starting at around 10mil metal, 5 mil crystal and 1 mil deut.
lego legend: Dr. Books a brilliant scientist has many inventions including the self eating meal and the 36 hour clock.

Re: a new speed up building and ship idea

nice idea.. however if this is applied after the nanite bonus instant rips would be easily within reach of any players around my size and above.

if it is applied before the nanite bonus... then the bonus is:
60s/2^5 = 60/32 ~ 2s
60s/2^8 = 60/256 ~ 0.25s
60s/2^10 = 60/1024 ~ 0.06s
per level of this building.

obviously providing us instant rips that easily is ridiculous, so if this were to make it through, the level of nanite is redundant.

I believe this is either a gamebreaking or pointless addition.
to make it work, change the 1 minute per level to something of a different form and check the math.
for the record I enjoy the benefits of a level 10 nanite factory, and I'm sure larger players have higher though.
at a minimum a 500x time reduction from nanite (level 9) should be taken into account, this is achievable for most players if they stockpile correctly.