Jump Gate All ships button

Well need not say more than that ^^

so lets vote... yes or no!!!

no discussion about priority and why this is not most important update and all that bs... you dont like it dont vote.... u think this is a bad idea .. vote no... and if u think its necessary and needs voting.. vote multiple times if u like.

I start the vote with my customary 100 yes!!!

so anyone for 101 yes?
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Jump Gate All ships button

I vote yes.

Though I'd like to hold the team's feet to the fire again.

If you say you're going to do it, do it. I don't have a problem with it not being done. I have a problem when you say yeah that's a great idea, we're working on it or we'll copy it over etc and then nothing ever happens.

I don't have much confidence in what the "official" word is at this point