Veni Vidi Vici Server

*been trying to work this draft for awhile now..unfinished but we have enough technical nerds out there that can fill in the blanks and work it* within what is intended here..not a 5th server of more of the same..BUT some the ideas could be pieced into current servers...mainly the dead tech expeditions

First off will say this style of server won't be for everyone.To advance you WILL have to play and work as a team.

Initial log-in to server you will receive this message:

Welcome to Veni Vidi Vici Server of Zorg Empire.. you are about to enter an alliance driven server.Should you prefer individual style of play please visit one of our other servers as this is one that rely's on team focus.If you proceed and wish this style of play then we better get you started on the right foot!
You will notice you have been set up with 15 random placed planets all with preset # of mines which can not be altered.You now have 60 minutes to get you affairs in order before protection is lifted and you are open for attack.It would be wise to find an alliance that is short a man and ask for invite.The max number per alliance is 5 members so visit rankings page and seek out alliances which may be short that number.
With that stop reading and get ready and may zorg be on your side as no one else will be on this server!!May your fleets be big,your alliance mates as determined to advance,and Caesar protect you!!

now for the extreme breakdown
1)Max alliance memberships will be capped at 5
2)All traffic is seen by every member of the alliance, so instead of the traditional overview where you only see yourself, all members see incoming and out going attacks
3)No forms of communication will be permitted between other alliances or their members.(i am sure some of you have played other strat games in which 2 opposing factions can not chat in game..same concept here)
4)All attacks are pre selected as an ACS attack..with option of transport,acs defend,or recycle the other options.
5)NO transports are allowed to another player EVEN those in your own alliance.(This is to prevent pushing 1 member to extreme rankings and very important for balance)
6)There will be no moons and therefore no RiPs.The RiP will be replaced by the Caesar(after all the server is named for the man the made the phrase historic)Each account will be allowed only 2 Caesars.
7)Each planet starts and stops at 400 slots with each planet starting with lvl 40 metal mine lvl 30 crystal mine and lvl 20 Deut mine and the correct power planets to power them.Therefore solar sats and fusion reactors and no longer needed.
8)Defensive structures will also be capped BUT techs will raise the strength,and as we will see this server will be heavy on raising those techs..and with lack of deut out there a heavy task.
9)DF generation remains at 70% and if you have the Gumpster,(hey its my server idea d@mn it i get a ship named after me!!)you will also be able to recover the 40% deut portion of the debri field as well.
10)Espi's cost deut in a progressive manner in that same system to 10 systems out 5 deut,11 to 20 10 deut and so on.As such cross galaxy scans will be expensive in that you will want to rely on mates in that area to scan,Min cost to cross galaxy scan will start at 10,000 deut per galaxy.
11)Speed bonus will apply the more mates enter the acs attack ,5% bonus per member with an additional 5% bonus if all 5 members join And for 10 rubies an additional 10% for a max 40% speed bonus.(Note ruby cost is for that attack only and does not carry over)
12)Cost of ACS attacks will be as follows,the person who initates the attack assumes all cost to send the attack.Therefore those joining will be able to ride for 'free' but it will cost someone!There will be a 60 second join feature for every one to have a chance to participate.Example John Doe starts acs attack and it costs 100k as the other Does join the cost raises 100k per member with max cost of 500k.There will be a ruby option for 5 rubies to reduce this cost by 5% per joined fleet for max reduction of cost 25%.Yes if the attack is in g2 and those joining are in g9 or where ever time is set to the one starting attack.After the 60 seconds the fleets sync and attack begins.Only the one who sent attack has the option to withdrawl the attack.
13)Ruby purchases go to alliance coffer.Therefore you will want to be careful who you join with.There will be no increase production option with rubies..this is not a mining server!
14)A phalanx building option will be in place on your planet but will consume 40 building slots.Its max range will be 100 systems.Its cost will be extreme and will rely on the reflective power of crystals to see ships..therefor requiring crystals to operate 50k per scan.
15)Current rules with ACS depots matching attack fleets will remain,but the progression to next depot rises sharply.
16)Acs Defends happen at a speed twice as faster than acs attacks,BUT cost twice as much to send.Defends are visiable on Phalanx but number of ships is hidden.Therefore a member of said alliance can cause a recall of an ACS attack just by sending 1 ship ..raises the stakes on attacker to proceed or chicken out!!
17)Defensive structures are capped at 1,000,000 units.Each structure will have an assigned unit cost to it with each type having a higher value with
the Brutus not part of cap.Max 1 Brutus per planet.
18)Fleets will be capped at 50,000,000 units with the Caesar not part of the cap.(Build your fleet wisely)
19)Because of no moons Worm Holes can be made on planets but recharge is 12 hours.20 build slots will be consumed with each construction.use of 5 rubies can cut recharge by 6 hours.
20)Size of galaxy is 15 with each having 1-499 systems and each system having 15 planet slots with expedition being slot 16.Planets slots of 1-15 in system 250 in all galaxies will have chuck norris size admin planets for the purpose of 'deleting' ships.No Debri Field is formed BUT unit space will open up and allow you to rebuild new ships.
21)Slot 16 and any fleet sent to it will not show on a lanx...HOWEVER..battles can happen and the DF recovered from the battles.
22)Only 1 attack is allowed on any given player by another alliance hit or miss in a 12 hour period.If you launch alone on an active target be sure to note it in battle logs in your alliance channel logs..i.e. copy the battle link.
23)70% of the 30% lost in defense structures of a battle will go to the debri fields.
24)Fleet and planet speed and combat engine will match that of massacre
25)Expeditions will have several new end results.
a)Your explorers set out to find new treasures but instead they found empty chests.% of this message 40%
b)Your attempts to explore the furthest reaches of space proved to be too much for your inexperienced crew as they are forever lost.% of this message 40%(DF formed)
c)Your ships have traveled into deep space and entered a split dimension thus allowing your fleet to double.% of this message 5%(zero if Caesar is involved)
d)Your Captain has taken your explorers to the great beyond and back and filled your treasure chests to max capacity.% of this message 3%(2 hour mission or above only)
e)While on an unexplored planet your crew went out for a smoke break and only half returned alive leaving the other half to a fate worse than death.Only half your fleet has returned and they are not talking!% of this message 10%
f)Your expedition has returned with an object that no one seems to find any value.Sherry you must be joking as you have found a Zorg Ruby!!% of this message 1%(and only chance is on 4 hour missions)
g)Your crew has come up against alien ships,it was clear their technology was far more superior then your own,but your experienced Flight Commander was able to achieve a glorious victory for you alliance!!% of this message 2%(once again 4 hour mission only and DF is 140% of your fleet sent 40% of your fleet lost plus 100% of alien race)
26)All techs have addition value.

Espionage Technology
Espionage Technology is your intelligence gathering tool. This technology allows you to view your targets resources, fleets, buildings, and research levels using specially designed probes. Launched on your target, these probes transmit back to your planet an encrypted data file that is fed into a computer for processing. After processing, the information on your target is then displayed for evaluation. With Espionage Technology, the level of your technology to that of your target is critical. If your target has a higher level of Espionage Technology than you, you will need to launch more probes to gather all the information on your target. However this runs the great risk of detection by your target, resulting in the probes destruction. However, launching too few probes will result in missing information that is most critical, which could result in the total destruction of your fleet if an attack is launched.
At certain levels of Espionage Technology research, new attack warning systems are installed:
At Level 4, the total number of attacking ships will be displayed along with the simple attack warning. At Level 8, the type of attacking ships along with the number of ships are displayed, the exact number of each type at Level 12.Each rank reduces cost to spy by 1% In addition the chance an enemy will receive a full detailed report is reduced by 2%

Computer Technology
Once launched on any mission, fleets are controlled primarily by a series of computers located on the originating planet. These massive computers calculate the exact time of arrival, controls course corrections as needed, calculates trajectories, and regulates flight speeds.
With each level researched, the flight computer is upgraded to allow an additional slot to be launched. Computer technology should be continuously developed throughout the building of your empire.In addition to fleet slot reduces flight times of all ships by 1%.

Weapons Technology
Weapons Technology is a key research technology and is critical to your survival against enemy Empires. With each level of Weapons Technology researched, the weapons systems on ships and your defense mechanisms become increasingly more efficient. Each level increases the base strength of your weapons by 10% of the base value.At the 20th rank an additional 5% bonus is added.

Re: Veni Vidi Vici Server

the concept is to be different.ships and defense need values attached the rest of the techs need to be added with their added values.The new ship n defense structure need thought up..

Basically looking for a server that makes technology more work a must..and the ability to keep high end to low end people (I.E. vets to newly joined) in a somewhat balance which is why the caps..and why raising techs will be the really work.

Real life has kept me from ironing out all the details but we have enough smarts to put together something

Re: Veni Vidi Vici Server

Me and quiet a few others that like to talk among ourselves about zorg have talked about always wanting the value of a single ship to be higher, where the loss of a couple million in ships would be the equal of billions on another.

Either way I like the idea of it being more of a team effort.

Re: Veni Vidi Vici Server

i like the idea, but i feel as if a few would just dominate and rest would be stuck getting bashed by the same top 5 we have and have always had.
"I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict what they will do. "

Re: Veni Vidi Vici Server

-Death- wrote:unfinished but we have enough technical nerds out there that can fill in the blanks and work it* within what is intended here..not a 5th server of more of the same..BUT some the ideas could be pieced into current servers...
Here we go! :D
-Death- wrote:First off will say this style of server won't be for everyone.To advance you WILL have to play and work as a team.
ZE already lacks a regular player base. Less than 40 on my estimation. Less than 10 would buy a ruby.
-Death- wrote:Initial log-in to server you will receive this message:
Welcome to Veni Vidi Vici Server of Zorg Empire.. blah blah... Caesar protect you!!
WHOTF?! is Caeser?
-Death- wrote:3)No forms of communication will be permitted between other alliances or their members.(i am sure some of you have played other strat games in which 2 opposing factions can not chat in game..same concept here)
Can you make that clearer. I can't chat with alliance members?
-Death- wrote:4)All attacks are pre selected as an ACS attack..with option of transport,acs defend,or recycle the other options.
5)NO transports are allowed to another player EVEN those in your own alliance.(This is to prevent pushing 1 member to extreme rankings and very important for balance)
This is more blurry. We can ACS transport to other alliance but not to my own members?
-Death- wrote:6)There will be no moons and therefore no RiPs.The RiP will be replaced by the Caesar(after all the server is named for the man the made the phrase historic)Each account will be allowed only 2 Caesars.
What exactly can this Caesers do?
-Death- wrote:11)Speed bonus will apply the more mates enter the acs attack ,5% bonus per member with an additional 5% bonus if all 5 members join And for 10 rubies an additional 10% for a max 40% speed bonus.(Note ruby cost is for that attack only and does not carry over)
This is an overlook I think. Will the fleet speed increase when someone joins the acs and/or pays rubies? At current xtrme server speed, can that jump from 10 sec to 1 sec? Think about it.
-Death- wrote:12)Cost of ACS attacks will be as follows,the person who initates the attack assumes all cost to send the attack.Therefore those joining will be able to ride for 'free' but it will cost someone!There will be a 60 second join feature for every one to have a chance to participate.Example John Doe starts acs attack and it costs 100k as the other Does join the cost raises 100k per member with max cost of 500k.There will be a ruby option for 5 rubies to reduce this cost by 5% per joined fleet for max reduction of cost 25%.Yes if the attack is in g2 and those joining are in g9 or where ever time is set to the one starting attack.After the 60 seconds the fleets sync and attack begins.Only the one who sent attack has the option to withdrawl the attack.
This is very open to glitches and bugs if the dev team can manage to code it. Unrealistic on the current game platform I think.
-Death- wrote:13)Ruby purchases go to alliance coffer.Therefore you will want to be careful who you join with.There will be no increase production option with rubies..this is not a mining server!
Since mines ships and defense are capped, I don't see anyone using rubies besides changing fleet speed to throw of the target. I forget the merchant.
-Death- wrote:15)Current rules with ACS depots matching attack fleets will remain,but the progression to next depot rises sharply.
I don't see any much difference with the current server unless you exponentially raise the cost to like 100k metal, 2b metal, 10b metal, 100b metal, 1bb metal. You get the drift. But placing caps on things make the costs almost useless.
-Death- wrote:17)Defensive structures are capped at 1,000,000 units.Each structure will have an assigned unit cost to it with each type having a higher value with
the Brutus not part of cap.Max 1 Brutus per planet.
WTF? is a Brutus? Any hints on what it can do?
-Death- wrote:19)Because of no moons Worm Holes can be made on planets but recharge is 12 hours.20 build slots will be consumed with each construction.use of 5 rubies can cut recharge by 6 hours.
This is what irritates me most of the time. Instead of developing more strategies, everything becomes guess work. Yeah I know anything can become part of the strategy but MTFS!
-Death- wrote:Planets slots of 1-15 in system 250 in all galaxies will have chuck norris size admin planets for the purpose of 'deleting' ships.No Debri Field is formed BUT unit space will open up and allow you to rebuild new ships.
-Death- wrote:21)Slot 16 and any fleet sent to it will not show on a lanx...HOWEVER..battles can happen and the DF recovered from the battles.
Again... Wut?
-Death- wrote: Espionage Technology
What about uhhm... Sending probes to bigger players will be a lot easier? (More traffice means easier to become anonymous.(No notification if someone probes you). More populace means more people will talk. (More accurate)
-Death- wrote:Weapons Technology
Weapons Technology is a key research technology and is critical to your survival against enemy Empires. With each level of Weapons Technology researched, the weapons systems on ships and your defense mechanisms become increasingly more efficient. Each level increases the base strength of your weapons by 10% of the base value.At the 20th rank an additional 5% bonus is added.
The additional 5% past 20 will be an imba. Too tired to say anything more.

Cementing my position as an idea buster. :P Be glad that I thought your idea was worth my time. :lol:
I am a liar in every debate
I rule the forces that fuel your hate

when the fire in your heart leaves and comes to an end
then quietly I'll go to sleep