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Adding new medals in weakly top

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:33 pm
by Pein
well a think we could use one more page for new awards
here are medals:
top 3 Best miner
calculated how much mines did you upgraded in one week

Top 3 Recycler:
calculated how much df did you recycled

Best alliance in points growing up:
calculated by resurses you spend every 10 000 resurses you will get 1 point.

thats all

Re: Adding new medals in weakly top

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:11 am
by Zorg
Best miner as to total mine production in the week timeframe ? This would encourage mining which is already the most popular thing to do and will also reveal top miners; both directions failed to appease the developers so it is a turn down.

For Recyclers it is a yes but we need to combine it with 3 more award categories, so a new 4x10 table can be added.

The alliance idea, I do not get it. If you want an advice, you need to spend more time when writing a message; pay extra attention to your syntax.

I must finally give props to you that you almost always provide images to your suggestions (when needed).

Re: Adding new medals in weakly top

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 12:00 pm
by Pein
my bad am very bad in english :wall:

Re: Adding new medals in weakly top

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:13 pm
by Richard98
I think i know what he means, he means how many points the alliance gains per week, not how much it passes other alliances so the bigger older alliances have a shot at that award :P

Re: Adding new medals in weakly top

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 9:18 pm
by Nuada
I would personally prefer that top recyclers NOT be listed in rankings.

This ordinarily would likely reflect top attackers, given how top attackers are recycling opponent losses.

However, this would also reveal who happens to snatching debris fields away from top attackers.

That would impact gameplay, since attackers could almost immediately see by new rankings who has been after their snacks - turning the debris field 'thief' into a new target. Some of us launch our recyclers from moons in hopes of avoiding such detection. If we're now to receive medals for that, we no longer avoid detection.

Re: Adding new medals in weakly top

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:04 pm
by Pein
to solve df stealer the should show off after 1 update that he colected df
well this sugestions is too add second page and to make more game interesting
sorry for bad english however a never learned english in school a learned it by playing games and instaling operating windows

Re: Adding new medals in weakly top

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:25 pm
by Istalris
Zorg wrote:Best miner as to total mine production in the week timeframe ? This would encourage mining which is already the most popular thing to do and will also reveal top miners; both directions failed to appease the developers so it is a turn down.
What's wrong with encouraging mining? It's as valid a playstyle as fleeting, and rankings show it. Top miners are already revealed by their building score, I think having a mining medal based on how much you produced in the week a great idea, but not based on how many mines you build, because then the actual top miners will never get top miner medal.

Re: Adding new medals in weakly top

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:26 pm
by Weresloth
The only problem with a medal based on production is there'd be no variation for ages.

Re: Adding new medals in weakly top

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 10:02 pm
by Pein
building mines by adding to calculate as how much resurses spend on mines like say 10 000 any resurses 1 point

Re: Adding new medals in weakly top

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 10:34 pm
by Istalris
Weresloth wrote:The only problem with a medal based on production is there'd be no variation for ages.
As oppose to the variation always seen in the top raider and attackers rankings? /sarcasm

I think the top few miners would pretty much constantly keep their medals, but that is the same with all the other rank lists too, top raider is always Thorr, top attacker is always Gozar etc etc.. There would be slight variations all the time because of energy deficits and such, and the top 5-10 i think would be decently contested at all times.