Should you be able to go into vacation with fleet on air ?

Total votes: 40 (75%)
Total votes: 10 (19%)
I don't care.
Total votes: 3 (6%)
Total votes: 53

Re: Vm while active

That is the most decent compromise between both sides I've seen, it would be a benefit both sides to a degree, so I can agree with it.

The only problem I see is; will the fleeters not just come straight back to the forums with complaints when their deploy phalanx kill VM'd to escape?
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Vm while active

Istalris wrote:The only problem I see is; will the fleeters not just come straight back to the forums with complaints when their deploy phalanx kill VM'd to escape?

You tell me! You have been on both ends as much as anybody. With a compromise like this, would you be upset that you lost or do you commend the person that you are hunting on making a good move. And I say a good move because depending on the type of outgoing mission, the hunter may still be able to get it. I am not going to say that nobody will complain, if they still end up losing their hunt. You can't please everyone all the time. But the main people that have been complaining for a change, I believe will be content in the chances that this would create. But the one thing I can say is... Any sort of compromise on this issue will shut me the he** up on the
[Showing no mercy!

Re: Vm while active

I think that it is a step in the right direction if you can't enter VM while you have a return mission. However, perhaps a better way would be to base it on what type of mission is being sent. What if you couldn't enter VM while you have an active attack mission (including the return trip). This will stop players from waiting until the last second before their fleet lands (they should be checking for a ninja anyway so it won't take extra effort) to enter VM. I think that if you like to FS by attacking an inactive play then you are accepting that you can't VM while your fleet is out.
Those with nothing to loose have the most to gain. Long live the Miner!

Re: Vm while active

love2scoobysnack wrote:I think that it is a step in the right direction if you can't enter VM while you have a return mission. However, perhaps a better way would be to base it on what type of mission is being sent. What if you couldn't enter VM while you have an active attack mission (including the return trip). This will stop players from waiting until the last second before their fleet lands (they should be checking for a ninja anyway so it won't take extra effort) to enter VM. I think that if you like to FS by attacking an inactive play then you are accepting that you can't VM while your fleet is out.
Yes, the type of mission should also be taken in consideration.

Re: Vm while active

I have stayed off the forum since my post was edited without my permission. And was fed up with the continuous spamming of legitimate posts.

However after reading these suggestions and having had 3 players in the last week just VM to save their fleets because they are cowards. Think people do you really see it as that easy to get players fleets on lanx by chance ..? No by hard work observation and good game play just to be removed by a simple VM click..
Some of you seem to be missing the point VM= Vocation mode.. not escape from my fleet being hit mode. Use VM by all means if you need time out for legitimate reasons with RL.. Not to save your fleet because some other player has done their homework and used their time and game play to get a good hit.

Its a WAR game no other game of this type allows this action, as has been stated before. I am not saying copy other games just use some common sense. Do you think in a real War you can say
" sorry don't shot me I am on vocation now.."..? or " Stop I need to go home"..?

Use the inputs that have been stated here to improve the game..

1st Yes there are RL issues that can cause you to go VM right away. However when you have fleet in the air, or building you need to way up your time.. It is easy to cancel your building.. (ok you have lost time but its your decision to VM not the games).. Fleet should be down as in other games (however this will not be agreed here, so myrsee suggestions works apart for a few minor issues).
2nd You can not have an emergency VM because that will be used in the same way as it is now to save fleet not because you have a RL issue. (its the same thing as now)
3rd TGE suggestion does not work as This will enable a player to arrange a ninja and the attacking player will not be able to safety probe. allowing all defenders a 5 min window to arrive (no good) becomes to one sided. Not the same as it is now. because the normal VM once fleet has been launched stops any-other player from defending as well. there are to many issues with this idea and complicates the whole change.

Going back to myrsee's idea with the point that this is all about game play and skill.. So why not make all recalled deploy missions non phalanx-able. This brings into play better skill levels such as a blind lanx. etc.. will improve players abilities and and reasons to play. Yes I agree as a compromise that all missions that are still out bound is a fair way of giving the defending player a chance. But as stated if your fleet is returning then you can not VM.. at all. Keep it simple keep it fair. no other changes need to be made no alternative options. Players will just need to be better and more vigilant like all the good players still in Zorg..

Re: Vm while active

I disagree, I ussually hit the V mode while my fleet in the air because IRL. Once I need to run to hospital brought my wife and my fleet still in the air, I decided to hit V mode, was that cheating ? Sometime there are urgent matter that makes you can't wait the fleet land from FS, specially player like me who have family and job, I use V mode frequently.

Re: Vm while active

snave0110 wrote:I disagree, I ussually hit the V mode while my fleet in the air because IRL. Once I need to run to hospital brought my wife and my fleet still in the air, I decided to hit V mode, was that cheating ? Sometime there are urgent matter that makes you can't wait the fleet land from FS, specially player like me who have family and job, I use V mode frequently.
If you have time to hit V mode then you have time to deal with any fleet mission restrictions put on V mode. Everyone that plays this game has real life issues to deal with and I think it is safe to say that everyone in this game has lost a fleet at least once due to RL even if it is only because everyone must sleep at some point. I just want to remind everyone that this is a game and that it should be treated as such.

Taking this in a completely different direction, what if we just put a limit on many times a month you can enter V mode. Another option would be to make it so that each time you enter v mode the next time you go into v mode within a specified number of days it will cost rubies to go v mode again.


one free V mode every 30 days
second v mode in 30 days costs 5 rubies
third v mode in 30 days costs 10
fourth v mode in 30 days costs 20 etc.

The costs are open to change and the time starts from the end of the last v mode and the start of the next v mode.

What I like about this is that it will make it very expensive to hide your fleet using V mode but the honest player that has an emergency can still V mode instantly.
Those with nothing to loose have the most to gain. Long live the Miner!