Should you be able to go into vacation with fleet on air ?

Total votes: 40 (75%)
Total votes: 10 (19%)
I don't care.
Total votes: 3 (6%)
Total votes: 53

Re: Vm while active

SPY wrote:i am not flaming but moon size and moon destruction is not at all relevant to this topic. vmode is completely a player activity related issue it do not involve how big a moon a player has or how big an atteckers RIP fleet is. even with half the moon destro capability say for 50% the chances are still there that the attacker may be able to pop the moon.

PS: i believe all sides have posted their concern on this one... so lets be patient on zorgs reply. or just bump it when ever u feel that they have forgotten about us.
I believe it has alot to do with the moon size and MD change, because i believe you have to even the balance out to make a game work. By changing one thing so significantly then other things have to change also to create that balance.

Also i believe we are all entitled to continue making out opinions on this post so its not really upto you to dictate to us all to be patient. Everyone is just stating there own opinions.

Re: Vm while active

Well the moon size was originally 9.999 and 20% chance, what the ZE team did was give too much power to the RIP users when they reduced the size. "Balancing" the scales would mean returning it to it's original state.

This VM thing however, I think people are still too busy arguing back and forth over keep it or not keep it instead of finding a happy medium. It is true that all games of this genre do not allow a player to VM while 'active'. However, it is also true that people do have real life emergencies and it shouldn't be only the 'safe' players who don't care about this.

Therefore, Karroth's suggestion is still by far the best point made in this topic, and if I am not mistaken, even Zorg said it was a good idea, they just don't have time to look at it yet what with all the other development going on. So let's be patient and stop the repetitive keep it/not keep it trash talk? I don't think any of us has said anything in the last few weeks that wasn't already debated to death beforehand.

If you have an idea that would work better than Karroth's then sure, let's have at it, but damn, we already know everyone's opinions 100 fold.
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Vm while active

Just bringing a important topic back to the front, getting buried by silly ideas. Any word when we can see this improved since the majority hates how it is as is now?

Saw ZE talkin about retaining more player base, here is a start! :wall:
When faced with intelligent and devious strategies, do something entirely irrational and let your enemies think themselves to death

Re: Vm while active


Any anti fleeter would vote yes to this. With the moon changes and noob protection this doesnt need to be changed and i think it proved a massive point with Kilox who recently VM. He had to wait for his fleet to land which gave fleeters a chance to find it before he VM, this is how the game should be played. If you want to FS for long hours thats your own choice, you dont have to!.

Re: Vm while active

TheLegendFishpond wrote:Disagree.

Any anti fleeter would vote yes to this. With the moon changes and noob protection this doesnt need to be changed and i think it proved a massive point with Kilox who recently VM. He had to wait for his fleet to land which gave fleeters a chance to find it before he VM, this is how the game should be played. If you want to FS for long hours thats your own choice, you dont have to!.
Id have to disagree to that! I am a fleeter, but there has to be a medium like Karroths idea that vmode goes into effect after everything has landed etc....still giving time for the lanx hit, so youd still have the time, some have to go and cant wait to then hit the vmode button. I know what you mean when a player hits v mode to hide, how many fleets not running thats gotta just go on the spot lose fleet? How many of these fleets will ever come back? itll shrink the fleeter base, at least the base that has a life, but Id hope that youd be the one since came up with this idea to come up with a way that vmode can be hit, but not go into effect till after all is down, still giving you your time you need to take away the running into vmode to keep fleet safe option

I think we could both agree that there are options other than what it is now thats just a player base killer, can we just find a way to improve it please best solutions Ive seen so far is

Karroths idea: can hit v mode, but doesnt go into v mode till fleet has landed, still gives you the time to get it, plus added if they happen to have production going, more time:)
Alliance mate can log in to only hit v mode when given server time to do so, nothing else. Only alliance mate can do this making being in a alliance just a bit more valuable. No other changes from another players computer address can be done like password changes, abandoning, or disbanding without confirmation from original email address of the account. maybe even if ZE is able to make that another players computer can only access the vmode nothing else

anything but this now
When faced with intelligent and devious strategies, do something entirely irrational and let your enemies think themselves to death

Re: Vm while active

So I can understand your take on this proposal, Infectious...
Infectious wrote: ... idea that vmode goes into effect after everything has landed etc....

So you are saying that a player can hit the v-mode button, even when the fleet are in the air, but the V-mode does not actually take place until after a few seconds after the fleet arrives??

If that is the case, then I can agree with your logic.

If that is not the case, and you are asking that V-mode be reverted back to the way it was, then I disagree with you. ;)

Re: Vm while active

i am sorry infectious i cant agree on it.

anything like scheduled operation is not what this game is about. if u want to vmode at a certain time u have to be there.

having said that i do think karroth's idea should be implemented. and @fish i still cant see the logic behind why moon chances being changed and noob protection being changed be any factor on why the player vmode option cant be changed? i would appreciate if you can elaborate why you always say that. if u have already then it would be a good chance to brush up the rest of ur points one more time.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Vm while active

I would do a puppet show for you if it helped :lol:

Since I cant Ill just throw out examples of how bad it is now

You Grandma Dies, your fleet happens to be 2-3 days away in FS, and your going outa town tomorrow. Does this person deserve to be crashed over not having a v mode option at all?

You have a job, your a important person, playing ZE with free time, now you get a call to go and be gone for weeks, does this person deserve to be crashed over not having a vmode option?

Your opposite sex, maybe your case the same :lol: made plans without your knowing till last minute? Does this person deserve to be crashed unable to vmode?

People like you, just think your a cool person and invited you to the biggest bangin party of the year, would you say I gotta wait to v mode before I can do anything in my life? Or click v mode and go?
When faced with intelligent and devious strategies, do something entirely irrational and let your enemies think themselves to death

Re: Vm while active

Torgard wrote:So I can understand your take on this proposal, Infectious...
Infectious wrote: ... idea that vmode goes into effect after everything has landed etc....

So you are saying that a player can hit the v-mode button, even when the fleet are in the air, but the V-mode does not actually take place until after a few seconds after the fleet arrives??

If that is the case, then I can agree with your logic.

If that is not the case, and you are asking that V-mode be reverted back to the way it was, then I disagree with you. ;)
Yes Togard, what I mean! hit vmode, doesnt take effect till after landed, and all production is done, I agree how it was was greatly flawed, and myself dont want it back like that either for same reasons, too easy to hide from battles. Just would like a better alternative, how it was to now is xtreme, very harsh, I think we can find something in between leaving room for those with lives, this is a big player base that if crashed over and over because of vmode when they werent running, will just quit or never fleet. I wanna see more fleets, all I teach in my alliance is fleet, bare with me and please add or share ideas to better it, not bash me, the poll says it, so lets come with a option that we all like, not one xtreme to another

Please refrain from double posting. ~KM
When faced with intelligent and devious strategies, do something entirely irrational and let your enemies think themselves to death